紐西蘭 New Zealand
紐西蘭由5歲開始入學,約13-19歲開始接受中學教育 (即第7班至13班)。完成13班後(19歲)可升讀大學。另外第11班的學生(17歲)可選擇理工學院或私立專科學院繼續升學。當地就讀中學的本地及海外學生要升讀當地的政府大學,必須獲得全國教育成績證書 NCEA,該課程分為3個程度,分為Level 1, 2, 3分別放在11、12、13班,他們有一個計分制,學生通過是儲學分,但特別在於唔會第11班就必須要讀晒Level 1 ,而是按學生興趣、能力,再由學校老師去分配他們讀的Subject, 呢個學制與香港不同,香港是一試定生死,考完之後就是這個分數,其實你又知唔知呢個20分同果個20分,他們的興趣、能力有什麼分別,你是未必可以看到,而NCEA不單止是一個考試,更是一個Combination 會有一個Internal Assessment 會注重學生的個人能力、Presentation Skill 及 Research Ability,最後加埋一個公開的National External Test 再綜合學生的分數。
課程 | 平均每年 (紐幤) 具體費用以申請時為準 |
英語課程 | $12,000 – $15,000 |
中小學課程 (包括住宿及膳食費) | $15,000 – $45,000 |
證書及文憑課程 | $6,000 – $20,000 |
大學基礎課程 | $14,000 – $26,000 |
Degree | $14,500 – $28,500 |
Master | $17,000 – $35,000 |
住宿種類 | 平均每年 (紐幤) 具體費用以申請時為準 |
學生宿舍 (不包食) | $8,000 – $12,000 |
寄宿家庭 (包房,包食) | $8,000 – $10,000 |
租住房屋 (不包食) | $10,000 – $15,000 |
監護人 | $700 – $1,000 |
其他(食物、書本、交通) | $10,000 – $15,000 |
保險 | $600 – $1,000 |
香港無線電視節目 – 流行都市 “紐西蘭升學” 專訪
嘉賓:藍駿教育高級升學顧問戚威恒先生 (David)
Garin College
地址:Champion Road, Richmond 7020, Nelson
入大學機率:66.2% (2021)
St Peter’s College, Gore
地址:121 Kakapo Street, Gore, Southland, 9710
入大學機率:71.7% (2020)
Pompallier Catholic College
地址:State Highway 14, Maunu, Whangarei 0179, Northland
入大學機率:74% (2018)
Iona College
地址:42 Lucknow Road, Private Bag 1000, Havelock North 4130, Havelock North 4157, Hawke’s Bay
課程類型:英語課程、健康課程、Fabric Technology(初中)、Food Technology(初中)、西班牙語課程(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、宗教研究
入大學機率:98% (2021)
其他:Iona College的入大學機率是全紐西蘭首六名學校以内,在2020年曾取得NCEA合格率100%。除了重視學業,他們亦重視學生在體藝方面的發展。寄宿生活方面亦有安排周末活動供學生參與。
Woodford House
地址:3 Iona Road, Private Bag 1001, Havelock North 4157, Hawke’s Bay
入大學機率:100% (2021)、98%(2020)、90%(2019)、2018(93%)
其他:作爲紐西蘭最優秀的寄宿學校之一,在學業和體育均有全面發展,校方推行Wellness programme鼓勵學生重視健康,讓她們參與太極、Crossfit、潛水等課程;另外,學校亦有衆多演藝課程和課外活動供學生選擇。
Cambridge High School
地址:25 Swayne Road, Cambridge 3434, Waikato
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls
地址:660 River Road, Hamilton 3210, Waikato
入大學機率:95% (2021)
其他:校方會爲學生提供各種學業上的支持,例如個別科目跳級、一對一支援等,學生亦會收到來至高級學習主管的指導。校方亦有推行Rite Journey協助學生解決或舒緩他們遇到的個人問題,讓學生健康成長。同時每年也會舉辦戶外活動(訓練營)鼓勵學生用於挑戰自己。
Francis Douglas Memorial College
地址:201 Tukapa Street, New Plymouth 4310, Taranaki
入大學機率:55.6% (2021)/ 75.7%(2021, CPP removed)
Sacred Heart Girls’ College (New Plymouth)
地址:9 Pukaka Street Fitzroy, New Plymouth, 4312, Taranaki
Dunstan High School
地址:Enterprise Street, Alexandra, Central Otago, 9320, Otago
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、文學課程(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、法語課程(選修)、觀光與旅游 Tourism and Travel(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
Mount Aspiring College
地址:101 Plantation Rd, Wānaka, 9305, Otago
其他:航空課程只提供給在Level1和Level2取得Merit、通過飛行體檢(flight-specific medical examination)、並在Wānaka有住所(可申請Homestay)的Year12和13的學生修讀,學生們可在本課程學習如何駕駛直升機。校方亦十分重視戶外運動並有一共一系列項目給學生,其中就包括攀岩、滑雪、皮划艇等項目。
Columba College
地址:399 Highgate Private Bag 1911 Dunedin, 9010, Otago
課程類型:英語課程、法語課程(選修)、德語課程(選修)、Classical Studies(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
St Hilda’s Collegiate School
地址:2 Cobden Street, Dunedin 9016, Otago
入大學機率:92.8% (2021)
Cashmere High School
地址:172 Rose Street, Christchurch 8024, Canterbury
Ellesmere College
地址:Leeston Dunsandel Road, Leeston 7656, Canterbury
其他:Ellesmere作爲一間位於郊區的小型中學,能給予學生一個寧靜的環境學習。另外,校方以Universal Design for Learning爲基礎促進學生在學習時的效率,並希望能夠達到他們的個人需求,激勵每個學生成爲最好的自己。
Lincoln High School
地址:25 Boundary Road, Lincoln 7608, Canterbury
Mount Hutt College
地址:44 Main Street, Methven 7730, Canterbury
其他:Mount Hutt是一所擁有充實的課外活動的學校,同時亦相當注重體育發展,校内有廣闊的運動場和體育館,校舍旁邊有滑雪場,第三學期運動科會包括滑雪的選擇;另一方面,相對其他學校而言Mount Hutt的寄宿及學費也較便宜。
Rangiora New Life School
地址:2 Denchs Road, Rangiora Canterbury 7400
其他:Rangiora New Life School是一所位於郊區的小規模學校,但校舍面積廣闊,人數較少,師生之間容易養成良好氣氛。而且離市區車程較近,有巴士路綫可達市中心,周末時學生也方便外出。
Sacred Heart College
地址:250 West Tamaki Road, Glendowie, Auckland 1071
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程(選修)、中文課程(選修)、款待與餐飲(選修)、木工 Carpentry(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:88% (2021)、86% (2020)、77% (2019)
St Peter’s College (Epsom)
地址:Mountain Road, Grafton, Auckland
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程(選修)、中文課程(選修)、神學與哲學(必修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)、劍橋大學國際考評 (CAIE)
其他:St Peter’s College有各樣文化活動,其中有不少與毛利文化相關的活動選擇,而運動方面在橄欖球、田徑等等也是强校;除了重視學習外,校方亦都重視學生的道德教育和人生觀的培養。而且學生可按照自己的特長選擇參考NCEA或者CAIE。
Westlake Boys High School
地址:Forrest Hill, Auckland
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、毛利語課程(選修)、法文課程(選修)、日文課程(選修)、德文課程(選修)、西班牙文課程(選修)、韓文課程(選修)、地球與太空科學(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)、劍橋大學國際考試 (CIE)
入大學機率:85.7% (2021)
Elim Christian College
地址:159 Botany Road, Botany Downs, Auckland 2010 / 94 Golfland Drive, Golflands, Auckland 2013 / 1 McLean Street, Mount Albert, Auckland 1025
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、宗教研究(選修)、旅游與觀光 Travel and Tourism (選修)、美術史(Botany選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:Elim Christian College分別有三個校舍(Botany、Golfands、Mt Albert),Golfands沒有設置高中年級,而其二校舍的高中選修科會根據校舍不同而有差異。
Glendowie College
地址:21 Crossfield Road, Glendowie, Auckland 1071
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、法文課程(選修)、德文課程(選修)、戶外教育 (選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:83% (2021)、86.9% (2020)、77% (2019) 其他:校舍位於Auckland的高級住宅區附近,治安良好,離市中心只有20分鐘車程。除了學業外,校方在體育、藝術和音樂發展也十分優秀,因此有十分多元化的課外活動供學生選擇。
KingsWay School
地址:100 Jelas Road, Red Beach 0932 (SENIOR CAMPUS)
2 Bonair Crescent, Silverdale 0992 (JUNIOR CAMPUS)
課程類型:英語課程、ESL英語課程、西班牙語課程(選修)、Hard Materials Technology (選修)、款待業課程 (選修)、地球與太空科學 (選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:84% (2020)其他:爲了協助留學生適應新環境,他們入學後會被分派一位當地生,並一起做功課。另外,校内提供的運動類型多元化,除了排球、足球、啦啦隊等等之外,更有水球、翻轉球 (flippa ball) 等水上運動提供,亦因校園位置靠近海灘,每逢夏季會舉辦公開水域的游泳比賽。也有健康中心和咨詢團隊保障學生們身體上和心理上的需要。
Long Bay College
地址:30 Ashley Avenue, Long Bay, Auckland 0630
課程類型:英語課程、ESL英語課程、歐洲/亞洲語言的全球研究課程(選修)、法語課程(選修)、德語課程 (選修)、日語課程 (選修)、食物科技課程(選修)、工程(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:71% (2020)
Mahurangi College
地址:Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, Auckland
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、可持續發展教育(選修)、西班牙語課程(選修)、毛利語課程 (選修)、體育教育 (選修)、美術設計(選修)、創新與創業 Innovation and Entrepreneurship(選修)、創意科技(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
Orewa College
地址:PO Box 345, Orewa, Auckland
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、木工(選修)、西班牙語課程(選修)、毛利語課程 (選修)、紡織技術Textile Technology (選修)、日語課程(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
Rangitoto College
地址:564 E Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、古典研究(選修)、法語課程(選修)、毛利語課程 (選修)、紡織技術Textile Technology (選修)、日語課程(選修)、國際文憑教育課程(IB)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:Rangitoto College其下的學生人數超過3000人,在學生學術成就和成就上的紐西蘭中學綜合評分中排名前五,並積極為學生提供與海外交流的機會。校舍坐落於Mairangi Bay,離市中心只有20分鐘車程,離海灘只有5分鐘。教學水平、配套設施均爲高質量。社團類型多樣,課外活動選擇亦十分多元化,總括體育類和演藝類後有超過90項課外活動。
Sancta Maria College
地址:564 E Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、市場學(選修)、法語課程(選修)、時尚設計(選修)、幼兒教育課程 (選修)、日語課程(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:校方鼓勵學生全面發展,除了追求卓越的學術成績外,都鼓勵學生參與課外活動,其中活動包括三項鐵人、極限飛盤ultimate frisbee、管弦樂隊、戲劇等等。另外,校舍的配套設施齊全、新穎,能夠符合學生需要。爲了年輕人的成長,校内亦有推行教牧計劃協助並陪伴學生面對現代生活的挑戰,陪伴學生成長。
Takapuna Grammar School
地址:210 Lake Road, Takapuna, Auckland
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、健康教育(選修)、法語課程(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修)、日語課程(選修) 、國際文憑教育課程(IB)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:Takapuna Grammar School以卓越的學術、學生成就聞名。並鼓勵學生參與和嘗試新事物,課外活動、學會總計超過100個選擇,其中包括各類樂隊、各類舞種的社學會、哲學學會、跆拳道等等。而且校舍寬廣,擁有一系列齊全的設備,可迎合不同課程的學生需要。
Whanganui Collegiate School
地址:132 Liverpool Street, Whanganui, 4500, New Zealand
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、健康教育(選修)、戶外教育(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修)、日語課程(選修) 、科技產品設計(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:Whanganui Collegiate School是一所一星期七天寄宿的學校,每間宿舍都有三名成人看護人和一位國際學生監護人看管確保學生的安全和需要;在教學時,校方采取小班教學以確保每位學生的需求都得到關注。校園範圍内也有游泳池、健身房、球場等設施,方便需要進行課外活動的學生;在演藝活動方面,每周有音樂導師來提供部分樂器和音樂理論的個人課程,讓有需要或興趣的學生可以參與其中。
Huntley School
地址:132 Liverpool Street, Whanganui, 4500, New Zealand
其他:Huntley School是紐西蘭最歷史悠久、規模最大的獨立寄宿小學。學校實行小班教學,在藝術、音樂、技術、木工課程有專業的教師和設施;另外,校方十分重視體育發展,校内也有完善的運動設施,因此有規定所有學生必須參與一項運動(例如釣魚、游泳、網球等)。爲了培養學生信心,每年都會安排所有學生上台表演,並安排year8的學生參與辯論。
New Plymouth Girls’ High School
地址:60 Northgate, Strandon, New Plymouth 4312
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、動植物科學(選修)、康樂與健身Recreation & Fitness (選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修)、法語課程(選修) 、食物與營養學(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:- 其他:地理位置方便,離中心街約7分鐘車程。學校以高質量的教學聞名,校方亦十分重視課外活動,也有相關的配套設施供學生使用,其中演藝活動亦十分優秀,亦有不同類型的社團,協辦校内運活動的委員會;校方亦鼓勵學生參與運動,例如衝浪、雪上運動、曲棍球等等。另外,宿舍有導師協助檢查功課,確保學生的課業不會落後。
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
地址:164 Calico Line, Marton 4787, PBag 1101, Marton 4741 New Zealand
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、馬類研究Equine Studies (選修)、法語課程 (選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修)、戶外教育 (選修) 、食物與營養學(選修)、國際文憑教育課程(IB)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
入大學機率:97%(2021), 100%(2020), 92.1%(2019)
Wellington College
地址:15 Dufferin Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington 6021
課程類型:英語課程、English with philosophy、毛利語課程(選修)、薩摩亞語課程(選修)、拉丁語課程(選修)、法語課程 (選修)、德語課程 (選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修) 、政治學Politics(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
Solway College
地址:Fleet Street, Masterton 581, New Zealand
課程類型:英語課程、德語課程(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、獸醫護理Veterinary Nursing (選修)、建築(選修)、烹飪Cookery (選修)、西班牙語課程 (選修) 、游戲開發Gaming Development (選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
Rathkeale College
類型:男子寄宿中學 (year12-13為男女一起上課)
地址:217 Willow Park Drive, Masterton, Wellington Region 5871, New Zealand
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL英語課程、農業和園藝 (選修)、法語課程 (選修)、時尚Fashion (選修) 、食物與營養學(選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:學校以year11和year12作爲分界綫,year12起的Senior College。來自St Matthew’s Collegiate School的女學生會來到校園一起上課、學習,在這兩年校方亦會提供一系列課外活動計劃,希望能讓學生發展社交技能,以應對成人生活的挑戰。另外,每年級都設有課外支援計劃,旨在幫助學生在課外成長。
St Matthew’s Collegiate School
地址:33 Pownall St, Masterton 5810
課程類型:英語課程、ESOL課程(選修)、毛利語課程(選修)、資訊科技 (選修)、日語課程(選修)、古典研究 (選修)、法語課程 (選修) 、游戲開發Gaming Development (選修)、全國教育成績證書(NCEA)
其他:同樣以year11和year12作爲分界綫,由year12起學生會到Rathkeale College上課。校方鼓勵學生思考和研究,培養思考能力,並支持體育發展,所有學生每年都必須參與最少一項運動項目,例如飛碟射擊(clay pigeon shooting)、龍舟、馬術等等,亦有舞蹈課程。
Name | School website | City |
Te Kao School | https://schoolground.co.nz/tekao | Te Kao |
Taipa Area School | https://www.taipa.school.nz | Taipa |
Kaitaia College | https://www.schoolground.co.nz/kaitaiacol | Kaitaia |
Whangaroa College | https://www.whangaroacollege.school.nz | Kaeo |
Kerikeri High School | https://www.kerikerihigh.ac.nz | Kerikeri |
Broadwood Area School | https://broadwood.school.nz | Broadwood |
Okaihau College | https://www.okaihau-college.school.nz | Okaihau |
Bay of Islands College | https://www.boic.school.nz | Kawakawa |
Northland College | https://www.northlandcollege.school.nz | Kaikohe |
Thames High School | https://www.thameshigh.school.nz | Thames |
Hauraki Plains College | https://www.haurakiplains.school.nz | Ngatea |
Paeroa College | https://www.paeroacollege.school.nz | Paeroa |
Waihi College | https://www.waihicol.school.nz | Waihi |
Te Kauwhata College | https://tkcoll.school.nz | Te Kauwhata |
Te Aroha College | https://www.tearohacollege.school.nz | Te Aroha |
Katikati College | https://www.katikaticollege.school.nz | Katikati |
Mt Maunganui College | https://www.mmc.school.nz | Mount Maunganui |
Huntly College | https://www.huntlycollege.school.nz | Huntly |
Otumoetai College | https://www.otc.school.nz | Tauranga |
Tauranga Boys’ College | https://www.tbc.school.nz | Tauranga |
Tauranga Girls’ College | https://www.tgc.school.nz | Tauranga |
Te Puke High School | https://www.tepuke.school.nz/ | Te Puke |
Matamata College | https://www.matamatacollege.school.nz | Matamata |
Raglan Area School | https://www.raglanarea.school.nz | Raglan |
Morrinsville College | https://www.morrcoll.school.nz | Morrinsville |
Ngaruawahia High School | https://www.ngaruawahiahigh.school.nz/ | Ngaruawahia |
Fairfield College | https://www.faircol.school.nz | Hamilton |
St Paul’s Collegiate (Hamilton) | https://www.stpauls.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
Hamilton Boys’ High School | https://www.hbhs.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hamilton Girls’ High School | https://www.hghs.school.nz | Hamilton |
Raphael House Rudolf Steiner Area School | https://www.raphaelhouse.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Flaxmere College | https://www.flaxmerecollege.co.nz | Hastings |
Fraser High School | https://www.fraser.school.nz | Hamilton |
St John’s College (Hillcrest) | https://www.stjohns-hamilton.school.nz | Hamilton |
Melville High School | https://www.melville-high.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hillcrest High School | https://www.hillcrest-high.school.nz | Hamilton |
Sacred Heart Girls’ College (Ham) | https://www.shgcham.school.nz | Hamilton |
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls | https://www.waikatodiocesan.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
St Peter’s School (Cambridge) | https://www.stpeters.school.nz | Cambridge |
Cambridge High School | https://www.camhigh.school.nz | Cambridge |
Trident High School | https://www.trident.school.nz | Whakatane |
Whakatane High School | https://www.whakatanehigh.school.nz | Whakatane |
Edgecumbe College | https://www.edgecumbecollege.school.nz | Edgecumbe |
Otamatea Christian School | https://otamateachristian.school.nz | Maungaturoto |
St Catherines College (Kilbirnie) | https://www.stcatherinescollege.school.nz | Wellington |
St Mary’s College (Wellington) | https://www.st-marys-wellington.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Queen Charlotte College | https://www.qcc.school.nz | Picton |
Marlborough Boys’ College | https://www.marlboroughboys.school.nz | Blenheim |
Marlborough Girls’ College | https://www.mgc.school.nz | Blenheim |
Collingwood Area School | https://www.collingwood-area.school.nz | Collingwood |
Rai Valley Area School | https://www.rai.school.nz | Rai Valley |
Golden Bay High School | https://www.gbh.school.nz | Takaka |
Nayland College | https://www.nayland.school.nz | Nelson |
Nelson College | https://www.nelsoncollege.school.nz/ | Nelson |
Nelson College For Girls | https://www.ncg.school.nz | Nelson |
Waimea College | https://www.waimea.school.nz/ | Richmond |
Tapawera Area School | https://www.tapawera.school.nz | Nelson |
Motueka High School | https://www.motuekahigh.school.nz | Motueka |
Murchison Area School | https://www.murchison.school.nz/ | Murchison |
Karamea Area School | https://www.karameaschool.com | Westport |
Buller High School | https://www.buller.ac.nz/ | Westport |
Greymouth High School | https://www.greyhigh.school.nz | Greymouth |
John Paul II High School | https://www.johnpaul.ac.nz | Greymouth |
Westland High School | https://www.westlandhigh.school.nz | Hokitika |
South Westland Area School | https://www.southwestlandarea.school.nz | Harihari |
Kaikoura High School | https://www.kaikourahigh.school.nz | Kaikoura |
Amuri Area School | https://www.amuri.school.nz | Culverden |
Cheviot Area School | https://www.cheviot.school.nz/ | Cheviot |
Oxford Area School | https://www.oxford.school.nz | Oxford |
Hurunui College | https://www.hurunuicollege.school.nz | Hawarden |
Rangiora High School | https://www.rangiorahigh.school.nz | Rangiora |
Kaiapoi High School | https://www.kaiapoi.school.nz | Kaiapoi |
St Bedes College | https://www.stbedes.school.nz | Christchurch |
Papanui High School | https://www.papanui.school.nz/ | Christchurch |
Christchurch Adventist School | https://www.cas.school.nz | Christchurch |
St Andrew’s College (Christchurch) | https://www.stac.school.nz | Christchurch |
Burnside High School | https://www.burnside.school.nz | Christchurch |
Mairehau High School | https://www.mairehau.school.nz | Christchurch |
Shirley Boys’ High School | https://www.shirley.school.nz | Christchurch |
Aranui High School | https://www.aranui-high.school.nz | Christchurch |
Avonside Girls’ High School | https://www.avonside.school.nz | Christchurch |
Rangi Ruru Girls’ School | https://www.rangiruru.school.nz | Christchurch |
Campbells Bay School | https://www.campbellsbay.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Chaucer School | https://www.chaucer.school.nz | Auckland |
Chelsea School | https://www.chelsea.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Christ the King Catholic School (Owairaka) | https://www.ctk.school.nz | Auckland |
Churchill Park School | https://www.churchillpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Clayton Park School | https://www.claytonpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Clendon Park School | https://www.clendonpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Clevedon School | https://www.clevedon.school.nz | Papakura |
Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Junior School | https://www.sehc.school.nz | Auckland |
Coatesville School | https://www.coatesville.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Cockle Bay School | https://www.cocklebay.school.nz | Auckland |
Colwill School | https://www.colwill.school.nz | Auckland |
Conifer Grove School | https://www.conifergrove.school.nz | Auckland |
Cornwall Park District School | https://www.cornwallpark.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Cosgrove School | https://www.cosgrove.school.nz | Papakura |
Dairy Flat School | https://www.dairyflat.school.nz | Auckland |
Dawson School | Auckland | |
Devonport School | https://www.devonport.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Dominion Road School | https://www.dominionrd.school.nz | Auckland |
Don Buck School | https://www.donbuck.school.nz | Auckland |
Drury School | https://www.drury.school.nz/ | Drury |
East Tamaki School | https://www.easttamaki.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Edendale School (Auckland) | https://www.edendale.school.nz | Auckland |
Edmonton School | https://www.edmonton-primary.school.nz | Auckland |
Edmund Hillary School | Papakura | |
Ellerslie School | https://www.ellerslie.school.nz | Auckland |
Elm Park School | https://www.elmpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Epsom Normal School | https://www.epsomnormalprimary.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Fairburn School | https://www.fairburn.school.nz | Auckland |
Farm Cove Intermediate | https://www.farmcove.school.nz | Auckland |
Favona School | https://www.favona.school.nz | Auckland |
Ferguson Intermediate (Otara) | https://fergusonint.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Finlayson Park School | https://www.finlaysonpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Flanshaw Road School | https://www.flanshawroad.school.nz | Auckland |
Flat Bush School | https://www.flatbush.school.nz | Auckland |
Forrest Hill School | https://www.forresthill.school.nz | Auckland |
Freemans Bay School | https://www.freemansbay.school.nz | Auckland |
Freyberg Community School | https://www.freyberg.school.nz | Auckland |
Fruitvale Road School | https://www.fruitvale.school.nz | Auckland |
Gladstone School (Auckland) | https://www.gladstone.school.nz | Auckland |
Glamorgan School | https://www.glamorgan.school.nz | Auckland |
Glen Eden Intermediate | https://www.geis.school.nz | Auckland |
Glen Eden School | https://www.geps.school.nz | Auckland |
Glen Innes School | https://www.gleninnes.school.nz | Auckland |
Glen Taylor School | https://www.glentaylor.school.nz | Auckland |
Glenavon School | https://www.glenavon.school.nz | Auckland |
Glenbrae Primary School | https://www.glenbrae.school.nz | Auckland |
Glenbrook School | https://www.glenbrook.school.nz | Waiuku |
Glendene School | https://wwww.glendene.school.nz | Auckland |
Glendowie School | https://www.glendowie.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Glenfield Intermediate | https://glenfieldint.ultranet.school.nz | Auckland |
Glenfield Primary School | https://www.glenfield.school.nz | Auckland |
Good Shepherd School (Balmoral) | https://www.goodshepherd.school.nz | Auckland |
Green Bay Primary School | https://www.greenbay.school.nz/Home/ | Auckland |
Greenhithe School | https://www.greenhithe.school.nz | Auckland |
Greenmeadows Intermediate | https://www.greenmeadows.school.nz | Auckland |
Grey Lynn School | https://www.greylynn.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Halsey Drive School | https://www.halseydrive.school.nz | Auckland |
Harrisville School | https://www.harrisville.school.nz/ | Tuakau |
Hauraki School | https://www.hauraki.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Hay Park School | https://www.haypark.school.nz | Auckland |
Helensville School | https://www.helensville.school.nz/ | Helensville |
Henderson Intermediate | https://www.hendersonint.school.nz | Waitakere |
Henderson North School | https://www.hns.school.nz | Auckland |
Henderson School | https://www.hendersonprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Henderson South School | https://www.hendersonsouth.school.nz | Auckland |
Henderson Valley School | https://www.hendersonvalley.school.nz | Auckland |
Hillpark School | https://www.hillpark.school.nz | Auckland |
Hillsborough School | https://www.hps.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Hobsonville School | https://www.hobsonville.school.nz | Auckland |
Holy Cross School (Papatoetoe) | https://www.hcsp.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Holy Cross Catholic School (Henderson) | https://www.holycross.school.nz | Auckland |
Homai School | https://www.homai.school.nz | Auckland |
Howick Intermediate | https://www.howickint.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Howick Primary School | https://www.howickprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Huapai District School | https://www.huapaidistrict.school.nz | Huapai |
Hunua School | https://www.hunua.school.nz/ | Papakura |
Jean Batten School | https://www.jeanbatten.co.nz | Auckland |
Kaiaua School | Pokeno | |
Kaipara Flats School | https://www.kaiparaflats.school.nz | Warkworth |
Karaka School | https://www.karaka.school.nz | Papakura |
Kaukapakapa School | https://www.kaukapakapa.school.nz | Kaukapakapa |
Kauri Park School | https://www.kauripark.school.nz | Auckland |
Kaurilands School | https://www.kaurilands.school.nz | Auckland |
Kedgley Intermediate | https://www.kedgley.school.nz | Auckland |
Kelston Intermediate | https://www.kelstonint.school.nz | Auckland |
Kelston School | https://www.kelstonprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Kelvin Road School | https://www.krs.ac.nz | Papakura |
Kingsford School | https://www.kingsford.school.nz | Auckland |
Kohimarama School | https://www.kohi.school.nz | Auckland |
Konini School (Auckland) | https://www.konini.school.nz | Auckland |
Koru School | Auckland | |
Kowhai Intermediate | https://www.kowhai.school.nz | Auckland |
Laingholm School | https://www.laingholm.school.nz | Waitakere |
Leabank School | https://leabank.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Leigh School | https://www.leigh.school.nz | Warkworth |
Lincoln Heights School | https://www.lincolnheights.school.nz | Auckland |
Long Bay School | https://www.longbayprimary.ac.nz/ | Auckland |
Mairangi Bay School | https://www.mairangibay.school.nz | Auckland |
Mangatangi School | https://www.mangatangi.school.nz | Mangatangi |
Mangatawhiri School | https://www.mangatawhirischool.com | Pokeno |
Mangere Bridge School | https://www.mangerebridge.school.nz | Auckland |
Mangere Central School | https://www.mangerecentral.school.nz | Auckland |
Mangere East School | https://www.meps.school.nz | Auckland |
Manuka Primary School | https://www.manuka.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Royal Oak Intermediate School | https://www.royaloakint.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Manurewa East School | https://www.manurewaeast.school.nz | Auckland |
Manurewa Intermediate | https://manurewaint.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Manurewa Central School | https://www.mancent.school.nz | Auckland |
Manurewa South School | https://www.manurewasouth.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Manurewa West School | https://www.manurewawest.school.nz | Auckland |
Maraetai Beach School | https://www.maraetaibeach.school.nz/ | Maraetai Beach |
Maramarua School | https://www.maramarua.school.nz | Maramarua |
Marist School (Mt Albert) | https://www.marist.school.nz | Auckland |
Marist Catholic School (Herne Bay) | https://www.maristhernebay.school.nz | Auckland |
Marlborough School | https://www.marlboroughprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Marshall Laing School | https://www.marshall.school.nz | Auckland |
Massey Primary School | https://www.masseyprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Matakana School | https://www.matakana.school.nz | Warkworth |
Matipo Road School | https://matipo.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Mauku School | https://www.mauku.school.nz/ | Mauku |
Maungawhau School | https://www.maungawhau.school.nz/ | Auckland |
May Road School | https://www.mayroad.school.nz | Auckland |
Mayfield School (Auckland) | https://www.mayfieldauckland.school.nz | Auckland |
Meadowbank School | https://www.meadowbank.school.nz | Auckland |
Western Heights School (Auckland) | https://www.westernheights.school.nz | Auckland |
Westmere School (Auckland) | https://www.westmere.school.nz | Auckland |
Waimahia Intermediate School | https://www.waimahia.school.nz | Auckland |
Weymouth School | https://www.weymouthprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Whangaparaoa School (Auckland) | https://www.wgp.school.nz | Whangaparaoa |
Whenuapai School | https://www.whenuapai.school.nz | Auckland |
Willow Park School | https://www.willowpark.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Wilson School | https://www.wilson.school.nz | Auckland |
Windy Ridge School | https://www.windyridge.school.nz | Auckland |
Wiri Central School | https://www.wiricentral.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Woodhill School | https://www.woodhill.school.nz | Helensville |
Woodlands Park School | https://www.woodlandspark.school.nz | Auckland |
Wymondley Road School | https://wymondley.school.nz | Auckland |
Yendarra School | https://www.yendarra.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Chapel Downs School | https://www.chapeldowns.school.nz | Auckland |
Nova Montessori School | https://www.novamontessori.school.nz | Christchurch |
TKKM o Te Raki Paewhenua | https://www.terakipaewhenua.school.nz/ | Auckland |
St Anthony’s School (Wanganui) | Whanganui | |
Gloriavale Christian Community School | Greymouth | |
St Francis Xavier Catholic School (Whangarei) | https://www.sfx.school.nz | Whangarei |
TKKM o Toku Mapihi Maurea | Hamilton | |
Marina View School | https://www.marinav.school.nz | Auckland |
Kaitoke School (Claris) | https://kaitokegbi.wikispaces.com | Great Barrier Island |
Riverview School | https://www.riverview.school.nz | Kerikeri |
Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School | https://www.titirangi.steiner.school.nz | Auckland |
ACG Senior College | https://www.acgedu.com/nz/senior | Auckland |
ACG New Zealand International College | https://www.acgedu.com/nz/nzic | Auckland |
Bishop Edward Gaines Catholic School | https://www.beg.school.nz | Tokoroa |
St Matthew’s Primary School (Hastings) | https://www.stmatthewsprimary.school.nz | Hastings |
Timaru Christian School | https://www.timaruchristian.school.nz | Timaru |
Te Ra School | https://www.tera.school.nz | Kapiti Coast |
TKKM o Ngati Kahungunu o Te Wairoa | https://www.kkmwairoa.com | Wairoa |
TKKM o Ngati Rangi | Ohakune | |
TKKM o Te Whanau Tahi | https://www.whanau-tahi.school.nz | Christchurch |
Te Kura Akonga O Manurewa | Auckland | |
Ascot Community School | https://www.ascot.school.nz | Invercargill |
St Paul’s School (Richmond) | https://www.stpauls-richmond.school.nz | Nelson |
Central Regional Health School | https://www.crhs.school.nz | Wellington |
Southern Health School | https://www.srhs.school.nz | Christchurch |
St Mary MacKillop Catholic School | https://www.marymackillop.school.nz | Auckland |
Te Kura Maori o Porirua | https://www.kura-porirua.school.nz | Porirua |
St Thomas More Catholic School | https://www.stthomasmore.school.nz | Mount Maunganui |
Rangitaiki Independent School | https://www.rangitaiki-ind.school.nz | Whakatane |
The Corelli School | https://www.corelli.school.nz | Auckland |
Amana Christian School | https://www.amana.school.nz | Mosgiel |
St Paul’s School (Massey) | https://www.stpaulsprimary.school.nz | Auckland |
Te Kura o Torere | https://www.torerekura.school.nz | Opotiki |
Wainuiomata Intermediate | https://www.wis.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Konini Primary School (Wainuiomata) | https://www.konini-primary.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Manaia View School | https://www.manaiaview.school.nz | Whangarei |
Drummond Primary School | https://drummondprimary.wix.com/drummond-primary-school | Drummond |
TKKM o Wairarapa | Masterton | |
Motueka Rudolf Steiner School | https://www.motueka.steiner.school.nz/ | Motueka |
Destiny School | https://www.destinyschool.org/ | Auckland |
Silverstream (South) Primary School | https://silverstre.am | Mosgiel |
Putaruru Primary School | https://www.putaruru.school.nz | Putaruru |
Lakeview School | https://www.lakeviewschool.info | Masterton |
Masterton Primary School | https://www.masterton.school.nz | Masterton |
Douglas Park School | https://www.douglaspark.school.nz | Masterton |
Huia Range School | https://www.huiarange.school.nz/ | Dannevirke |
Stella Maris Primary School | https://www.stellamaris.school.nz | Silverdale |
Te Kura o Waikare | Kawakawa | |
Whangaruru School | Hikurangi | |
Wairoa Primary School | Wairoa | |
Tiaho Primary School | Wairoa | |
TKKM o Te Ara Whanui | Lower Hutt | |
TKKM o Nga Uri A Maui | Gisborne | |
TKKM o Te Waiu o Ngati Porou | Ruatoria | |
TKK o Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu | https://www.schoolground.co.nz/kuratakitimu | Hastings |
Ruakituri School | Wairoa | |
Te Mahia School | Nuhaka | |
Mohaka School | Mohaka | |
Te Kura o Waikaremoana | https://www.waikaremoana.school.nz | Tuai |
Rahotu School | https://www.rahotu.school.nz | Rahotu |
Aberdeen School | https://www.aberdeen.school.nz | Hamilton |
Allandale School | https://www.allandale.school.nz/ | Whakatane |
Amisfield School | https://www.amisfield.school.nz | Tokoroa |
Aorangi School (Rotorua) | https://aorangi.school.nz | Rotorua |
Apanui School | https://www.apanui.school.nz | Whakatane |
Arataki School | https://www.arataki.school.nz/Home | Mount Maunganui |
Aria School | https://www.aria.school.nz | Aria |
Arohena School | https://arohena.school.nz | Te Awamutu |
Ashbrook School | https://www.ashbrook.school.nz/ | Opotiki |
Awakeri School | https://awakeri.school.freeservers.com | Whakatane |
Bankwood School | https://www.bankwood.school.nz | Hamilton |
Bellevue School (Tauranga) | https://www.bellevue.school.nz | Tauranga |
Berkley Normal Middle School | https://www.berkley.school.nz | Hamilton |
TKKM o Bernard Fergusson | https://www.bernardfergusson.school.nz | Ngaruawahia |
Bethlehem School | https://www.bethlehemschool.ac.nz | Tauranga |
Broadlands School | https://www.broadlands.school.nz | Reporoa |
Brookfield School | https://www.brookfield.school.nz/ | Tauranga |
Cambridge East School | https://www.cambridgeeast.school.nz | Cambridge |
Cambridge Middle School | https://www.cms.school.nz | Cambridge |
Cambridge School | https://www.cambridgeprimary.co.nz | Cambridge |
Cargill Open Plan School | https://www.cargill.school.nz | Tokoroa |
Centennial Park School | https://www.centennialpark.school.nz/ | Te Kuiti |
Colville School | Colville | |
Coroglen School | https://www.coroglen.school.nz | Whitianga |
David Henry School | https://www.davidhenry.schoolzone.net.nz | Tokoroa |
David Street School | https://www.davidst.school.nz | Morrinsville |
Deanwell School | https://www.deanwell.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
Edgecumbe School | https://www.edgecumbe.school.nz | Edgecumbe |
Elstow-Waihou Combined School | https://www.elstow-waihou.school.nz | Te Aroha |
Fairfield Intermediate | https://www.fairfieldintermediate.school.nz | Hamilton |
Fairfield Primary School | https://www.fairfieldprimary.school.nz | Hamilton |
Fairhaven School | https://www.fairhaven.school.nz/ | Te Puke |
TKKM o Te Ara Rima | Hamilton | |
Firth School | https://www.firth.school.nz | Matamata |
Forest Lake School | https://www.forestlake.school.nz | Hamilton |
Frankton School | https://www.franktonschool.ac.nz | Hamilton |
Galatea School | https://www.galateaschool.co.nz | Murupara |
Glen Massey School | https://www.glenmassey.school.nz | Ngaruawahia |
Glenholme School | https://www.glenholme.school.nz | Rotorua |
Glenview School (Hamilton) | https://www.glenview.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
Goldfields School (Paeroa) | https://www.gfs.school.nz | Paeroa |
Goodwood School | https://www.goodwood.school.nz | Cambridge |
Gordonton School | https://www.gordonton.school.co.nz | Hamilton |
Greenpark School (Tauranga) | https://www.greenparkschool.co.nz | Tauranga |
Greerton Village School | https://www.greerton.school.nz | Tauranga |
Hamilton East School | https://www.hameast.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hamilton North School | https://www.hamnorth.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hamilton West School | https://www.hamwest.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
Hautapu School | https://www.hautapu.school.nz | Cambridge |
Hauturu School | Oparau | |
Hikuai School | https://www.hikuai.school.nz | Hikuai |
Hikutaia School | https://hikutaia.ultranet.school.nz | Paeroa |
Hillcrest Normal School | https://www.hillcrestnormal.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hilltop School | https://www.hilltop.org.nz | Taupo |
Hinuera School | https://www.hinuera.school.nz | Hinuera |
Horahora School (Cambridge) | https://www.horahoracambridge.school.nz | Cambridge |
Horohoro School | Rotorua | |
Horotiu School | https://www.horotiu.school.nz | Hamilton |
Horsham Downs School | https://www.horshamdowns.school.nz | Horsham Downs |
TKKM o Huiarau | Ruatahuna | |
Hukanui School | https://www.hukanui.school.nz | Hamilton |
St Patrick’s Catholic School (Taupo) | https://www.stpatstaupo.school.nz | Taupo |
Huntly School (Waikato) | https://www.huntlyprimary.school.nz | Huntly |
Huntly West School | https://www.huntlywest.school.nz | Huntly |
Insoll Avenue School | https://ww.insollave.school.nz | Hamilton |
Rangitaiki School | https://rangitaikischool.com | Taupo |
James Street School | https://www.jamesstreet.school.nz | Whakatane |
Kaharoa School | https://www.kaharoa.school.nz | Rotorua |
Kaihere School | Morrinsville | |
Kaimai School | https://www.kaimai.school.nz/ | Tauranga |
Kaingaroa Forest School | Kaingaroa Forest | |
Kaipaki School | https://www.kaipaki.school.nz | Ohaupo |
Kaitao Intermediate | https://www.kaitao.school.nz | Rotorua |
Tauranga Special School | https://www.taurangaspecialschool.nz | Tauranga |
Karangahake School | Karangahake | |
Karapiro School | https://www.karapiro.school.nz | Cambridge |
Katikati Primary School | https://www.katikati.school.nz | Katikati |
Kawaha Point School | https://www.kawaha-point.school.nz | Rotorua |
Kawerau South School | https://www.kawerausouth.school.nz | Kawerau |
Kawhia School | https://www.kawhia.school.nz | Kawhia |
Kea Street Specialist School | https://www.keastreet.ac.nz | Rotorua |
TKKM o Harataunga | Kennedy Bay | |
Kerepehi School | Kerepehi | |
Kihikihi School | https://www.kihikihi.school.nz | Kihikihi |
Kimihia School | https://www.kimihia.school.nz | Huntly |
Kinohaku School | Taharoa | |
Kio Kio School | https://www.kiokio.school.nz | Otorohanga |
Kiwitahi School | https://www.kiwitahi.school.nz | Kiwitahi |
Knighton Normal School | https://www.kns.ac.nz | Hamilton |
Kopuarahi School | https://www.kopuarahi.school.nz | Thames |
Korakonui School | https://www.korakonui.school.nz | Te Awamutu |
Koromatua School | https://www.koromatua.school.nz | Hamilton |
Kuratau School | https://www.kuratau.school.nz | Turangi |
Kutarere School | https://www.tekuraokutarere.com | Opotiki |
Lake Rerewhakaaitu School | https://lakererewhakaaitu.ultranet.school.nz | Rotorua |
Lake Rotoma School | https://www.lakerotoma.school.nz/ | Lake Rotoma |
Leamington School | https://www.leamington.school.nz | Cambridge |
Lichfield School | https://www.lichfield.school.nz | Putaruru |
Lynmore Primary School | https://www.lynmore.school.nz | Rotorua |
Maeroa Intermediate | https://www.maeroa.school.nz/ | Hamilton |
Maihiihi School | https://www.maihiihi.school.nz | Maihiihi |
Maketu School | Maketu | |
Malfroy School | https://www.malfroy.school.nz | Rotorua |
Mamaku School | https://www.mamaku.school.nz | Mamaku |
Te Wharekura o Manaia | Coromandel | |
Manawaru School | https://www.manawaru.school.nz | Te Aroha |
Mapiu School | Te Kuiti | |
Te Kura Mana Maori Maraenui | https://www.kura.org.nz | Opotiki |
Marotiri School | https://www.marotiri.knowledge.net.nz | Mangakino |
Te Kura Mana Maori o Matahi | Matahi | |
Te Kura o Te Moutere O Matakana | https://www.tktmmatakana.school.nz | Tauranga |
Matamata Intermediate | https://www.matamataintermediate.school.nz | Matamata |
Matamata Primary School | https://www.matamataprimary.school.nz | Matamata |
Matangi School | https://www.matangi.school.nz | Matangi |
Te Kura o Matapihi | https://www.matapihi.school.nz | Tauranga |
Matata School | https://www.matata.school.nz | Matata |
St Joseph’s School (Hastings) | https://www.sportsground.co.nz/stjoeshosting | Hastings |
St Joseph’s School (Waipukurau) | Waipukurau | |
St Joseph’s School (Wairoa) | Wairoa | |
St Mary’s Catholic School (Gisborne) | https://www.saintmarysgis.school.nz | Gisborne |
St Mary’s School (Hastings) | https://www.stmaryshastings.school.nz | Hastings |
Takapau School | https://www.sportsground.co.nz/takapau | Takapau |
Tamatea Intermediate | https://www.tamateaint.ac.nz | Napier |
Tamatea School | https://tamateaprimary.school.nz | Napier |
Taradale Intermediate | https://www.taradaleint.school.nz | Napier |
Taradale School | https://www.taraprim.school.nz | Napier |
Te Awa School | https://www.teawa.school.nz/ | Napier |
Te Hapara School | https://sites.google.com/a/tehapara.school.nz/te-hapara-school/home | Gisborne |
Te Mata School (Havelock North) | https://www.temata.school.nz | Havelock North |
Te Pohue School | https://www.tepohue.school.nz | Napier |
Te Wharau School (Gisborne) | https://tewharau.school.nz | Gisborne |
The Terrace School (Waipukurau) | https://www.terracechb.school.nz/ | Waipukurau |
Tikitiki School | https://www.tiki.school.nz | Gisborne |
Tikokino School | https://www.tikokino.school.nz | Tikokino |
Tiniroto School | https://www.tiniroto.school.nz | Gisborne |
Hatea-A-Rangi | Tokomaru Bay | |
Tutira School | https://www.tutira.school.nz | Tutira |
Twyford School | https://www.twyford.school.nz | Hastings |
Waerenga-O-Kuri School | Gisborne | |
Waikirikiri School | Gisborne | |
Waimarama School | https://www.waimarama.school.nz | Havelock North |
Wainui Beach School | https://www.wainuibeach.school.nz | Wainui-Gisborne |
Waipawa School | https://www.waipawa.school.nz | Waipawa |
Waipukurau School | https://www.waipukurau.school.nz | Waipukurau |
Weber School | https://www.weber.school.nz | Dannevirke |
Eden Campus | https://www.aggs.school.nz | Auckland |
Kimihia Parents’ College | https://www.linwoodcollege.school.nz | Christchurch |
Clendon Teen Parent Unit | Auckland | |
Alfredton School | https://www.alfredton.school.nz | Eketahuna |
Arakura School | https://www.arakura.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Avalon School | https://www.avalon.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Ballance School | Pahiatua | |
Bohally Intermediate | https://www.bohally.school.nz | Blenheim |
Boulcott School | https://www.boulcott.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Brandon Intermediate | https://www.brandonintermediate.school.nz | Porirua |
Brooklyn School (Wellington) | https://www.brooklynprimary.school.nz | Wellington |
Cannons Creek School | https://www.cannonscreek.school.nz/ | Porirua |
Cardinal McKeefry School (Wilton) | https://www.cardinalmckeefry.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Carterton School | https://www.carterton.school.nz/ | Carterton |
Cashmere Avenue School | https://www.cashmere-ave.school.nz | Wellington |
Crofton Downs Primary School | https://www.croftondownsprimary.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Churton Park School | https://www.churtonpark.school.nz | Wellington |
Clifton Terrace Model School | https://www.ctms.school.nz | Wellington |
Clyde Quay School | https://www.clydequay.school.nz | Wellington |
Corinna School | https://www.corinna.school.nz | Porirua |
Dalefield School | https://www.dalefield.school.nz | Carterton |
Discovery School | https://www.discovery.school.nz | Porirua |
Dyer Street School | https://www.dyerstreet.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Eastern Hutt School | https://www.easternhutt.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Eketahuna School | https://www.eketahuna.school.nz | Eketahuna |
Epuni School | https://www.epuni.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Evans Bay Intermediate | https://www.ebis.school.nz | Wellington |
Fairfield School (Levin) | https://www.fairfieldlevin.school.nz | Levin |
Fairhall School | https://www.fairhall.school.nz | Blenheim |
Featherston School | https://www.featherston.school.nz | Featherston |
Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham) | https://www.fergusson.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Fernlea School | https://www.fernlea.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Fernridge School | https://www.fernridge.school.nz | Masterton |
Fraser Crescent School | https://www.frasercres.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Gladstone School (Masterton) | https://www.gladstone1.school.nz | Gladstone |
Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata) | https://www.pukeatua.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Glenview School (Porirua East) | https://www.glenviewschoolporirua.blogspot.com | Porirua |
Gracefield School | https://www.gracefield.school.nz/ | Lower Hutt |
Greenacres School | https://www.greenacres.school.nz | Wellington |
Greytown School | https://www.greytown.school.nz | Greytown |
Grovetown School | https://www.grovetown.school.nz | Blenheim |
Hampton Hill School | https://hamptonhill.school.nz | Wellington |
Hataitai School | https://www.hataitai.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Havelock School | https://www.havelock.school.nz | Havelock |
Hillcrest School (Pahiatua) | https://www.hillcrest.school.nz | Pahiatua |
Holy Family School (Porirua) | https://www.holyfamily.school.nz | Porirua |
Houghton Valley School | https://www.houghton.school.nz | Wellington |
Hutt Central School | https://www.huttcentral.school.nz/ | Lower Hutt |
Hutt Intermediate | https://www.huttintermediate.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Island Bay School | https://www.islandbay.school.nz | Wellington |
Johnsonville School | https://www.johnsonville.school.nz | Wellington |
West Park School | https://www.westpark.school.nz | Wellington |
Kahutara School | https://kahutaraschool.co.nz | Featherston |
Kapanui School | https://www.kapanui.school.nz | Waikanae |
Mahinawa Specialist School and Resource Centre | Porirua | |
Kapiti School | https://www.kapiti.school.nz/ | Paraparaumu |
Karori Normal School | https://www.kns.school.nz | Wellington |
Karori West Normal School | https://www.kwns.school.nz | Wellington |
Kelburn Normal School | https://www.kelburnnormal.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Kelson School | https://www.kelson.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Kenakena School | https://www.kenakena.school.nz | Paraparaumu Beach |
Khandallah School | https://www.khandallah.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Kilbirnie School | https://www.kilbirnie.school.nz | Wellington |
Koputaroa School | https://www.koputaroa.school.nz/ | Levin |
Korokoro School | https://www.korokoro.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Levin East School | https://www.levineast.school.nz | Levin |
Levin Intermediate | https://www.lis.school.nz | Levin |
Levin North School | https://www.levinnorth.school.nz | Levin |
Levin School | https://www.levin.school.nz/ | Levin |
Linden School | https://www.linden.school.nz | Wellington |
Linkwater School | https://www.linkwater.school.nz | Linkwater |
Lyall Bay School | https://www.lyallbay.school.nz | Wellington |
Maidstone Intermediate | https://www.maidstone.school.nz/ | Upper Hutt |
Makara Model School | https://mms.school.nz | Wellington |
Makuri School | https://www.schoolground.co.nz/makuri | Pahiatua |
Manakau School | https://www.manakau.school.nz | Levin |
Mangaroa School | https://www.mangaroa.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Mangatainoka School | Mangatainoka | |
Maoribank School | https://maoribankschool.blogspot.co.nz | Upper Hutt |
Maraeroa School | https://www.maraeroa.school.nz | Porirua |
Holy Cross School (Miramar) | https://www.hcm.school.nz | Wellington |
Martinborough School | https://www.martinborough.school.nz | Martinborough |
Masterton Intermediate | https://www.mis.school.nz | Masterton |
Mauriceville School | Mauriceville | |
Mayfield School (Blenheim) | Blenheim | |
Miramar Central School | https://www.miramarcentral.school.nz | Wellington |
Miramar North School | https://www.mns.school.nz | Wellington |
Mt Cook School (Wellington) | https://www.mtcook.school.nz | Wellington |
Muritai School | https://www.muritai.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Naenae Intermediate | https://www.naenaeint.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Naenae School | https://www.schoolground.co.nz/naenaeprim | Lower Hutt |
Natone Park School | https://www.natone.school.nz | Porirua |
Newlands Intermediate | https://www.newlandsint.school.nz | Wellington |
Newlands School | https://www.newlands.ultranet.school.nz | Wellington |
Newtown School | Wellington | |
Ngaio School | https://www.ngaio.school.nz | Wellington |
Ngati Toa School | https://www.ngatitoa.school.nz/ | Porirua |
Normandale School | https://www.normandale.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Northland School | https://www.northland.school.nz | Wellington |
Ohau School | Levin | |
Opaki School | https://www.opaki.school.nz | Masterton |
Opiki School | https://opikischool.wordpress.com/ | Palmerston North |
Otaki School | https://www.otaki.school.nz | Otaki |
Our Lady of Rosary School (Waiwhetu) | https://www.olr.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Owhiro Bay School | https://www.owhiro.school.nz | Wellington |
Oxford Crescent School | https://www.oxfordcrescentschool.co.nz/ | Upper Hutt |
Paekakariki School | https://www.paekakariki.school.nz | Paekakariki |
Pahiatua School | https://www.pahiatua.school.nz | Pahiatua |
Papakowhai School | https://www.papakowhai.school.nz | Porirua |
Paparangi School | https://www.paparangi.school.nz | Wellington |
Paraparaumu Beach School | https://ultranet.paraparaumubeach.school.nz | Paraparaumu Beach |
Paraparaumu School | https://www.paraparaumu.school.nz | Paraparaumu |
Paremata School | https://www.paremata.school.nz | Porirua |
Pauatahanui School | https://www.pauatahanui.school.nz | Porirua |
Petone Central School | https://www.petonecentral.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Picton School | https://www.picton.school.nz | Picton |
Pinehaven School | https://www.pinehaven.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Pirinoa School | https://www.pirinoa.school.nz | Pirinoa |
Plateau School | https://www.plateau.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Plimmerton School | https://www.plimmerton.school.nz | Porirua |
Pomare School | Lower Hutt | |
Pongaroa School | https://www.pongaroa.school.nz/ | Pongaroa |
Porirua East School | https://www.poriruaeast.school.nz | Porirua |
Porirua School | https://www.porirua.school.nz | Porirua |
Poroutawhao School | https://www.poroutawhao.school.nz | Levin |
Postgate School | https://www.postgate.school.nz | Porirua |
Pukerua Bay School | https://www.pukeruabay.school.nz | Porirua |
Maungaraki School | https://www.maungaraki.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Randwick School | https://www.randwick.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Rangikura School | https://www.rangikura.school.nz | Porirua |
Rapaura School | https://www.rapaura.school.nz/ | Rapaura |
Raroa Normal Intermediate | https://www.raroa.school.nz | Wellington |
Rata Street School | https://www.ratastreet.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Raumati Beach School | https://www.raumatibeach.school.nz | Raumati Beach |
Raumati South School | https://www.raumatisouth.school.nz/ | Raumati South |
Redwood School (Tawa) | https://www.redwood.school.nz | Wellington |
Redwoodtown School | https://www.redwoodtown.school.nz | Blenheim |
Renwick School | https://www.renwick.school.nz/ | Renwick |
Rewa Rewa School | https://www.rewarewa.school.nz | Wellington |
Ridgway School | https://www.ridgway.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Riverlands School | https://www.riverlands.school.nz | Blenheim |
Roseneath School | https://www.roseneath.school.nz | Wellington |
Russell School (Porirua East) | https://russellschoolcannonscreek.blogspot.co.nz/ | Porirua |
Sacred Heart School (Petone) | https://www.sacredheartpetone.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Sacred Heart Cathedral School | Wellington | |
San Antonio School (Eastbourne) | https://www.sanantonio.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
Seatoun School | https://www.seatoun.school.nz/ | Wellington |
Seddon School | https://www.seddon.school.nz | Seddon |
Shannon School | https://www.shannon.school.nz | Shannon |
Silverstream School | https://www.silverstream.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
Solway School | https://www.solway.school.nz/ | Solway |
South End School | https://southend.school.nz | Carterton |
South Featherston School | https://southfeatherston.school.nz/ | Featherston |
South Wellington Intermediate | https://www.swis.school.nz | Wellington |
Spring Creek School | https://www.springcreek.school.nz | Spring Creek |
Springlands School | https://www.springlands.school.nz | Blenheim |
St Annes School (Newtown) | https://www.st-annes.school.nz | Wellington |
St Anthony’s School (Pahiatua) | https://www.stanthony.ac.nz | Pahiatua |
St Anthony’s School (Seatoun) | https://www.stants.school.nz | Wellington |
St Benedict’s School (Khandallah) | https://www.st-benedicts.school.nz | Wellington |
St Bernadette’s School (Naenae) | https://www.stbs.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
St Bernard’s School (Brooklyn) | https://www.stbernards.school.nz | Wellington |
St Brendan’s School (Heretaunga) | https://www.stbrendans.school.nz/ | Upper Hutt |
St Brigids School (Johnsonville) | https://www.stbrigids.school.nz | Wellington |
St Francis De Sales School (Is.Bay) | https://www.sfds.school.nz | Wellington |
St Francis Xavier School (Tawa) | https://www.sfxtawa.school.nz | Wellington |
St Joseph’s School (Levin) | Levin | |
St Joseph’s School (Picton) | https://www.stjosephsschool.co.nz | Picton |
St Joseph’s School (Upper Hutt) | https://www.stjosephsuh.school.nz | Upper Hutt |
St Mary’s School (Blenheim) | https://www.stmarys-blenheim.school.nz/ | Blenheim |
St Mary’s School (Carterton) | https://www.saintmarys.school.nz | Carterton |
St Michael’s School (Taita) | https://www.stmichaels.school.nz | Lower Hutt |
St Patrick’s School (Masterton) | https://www.stpatsmstn.school.nz | Masterton |
St Patrick’s School (Paraparaumu) | https://www.stpatspara.school.nz | Paraparaumu |
Hororata School | https://hororata.ultranet.school.nz | Darfield |
Ilam School | https://www.ilam.school.nz | Christchurch |
Isleworth School | https://www.isleworth.school.nz | Christchurch |
Kaingaroa School (Chatham Islands) | Chatham Islands | |
Kaiapoi Borough School | https://www.kbs.school.nz | Kaiapoi |
Kaiapoi North School | https://www.kaiapoinorth.school.nz | Kaiapoi |
Kaikoura Primary School | https://www.kaikoura.school.nz | Kaikoura |
Kaikoura Suburban School | https://www.kaikourasuburban.school.nz | Kaikoura |
Kaniere School | https://kaniere.school.nz | Hokitika |
Karoro School | https://www.karoro.school.nz | Greymouth |
Kirkwood Intermediate | https://www.kirkwood.school.nz | Christchurch |
Kirwee Model School | https://www.kirweemodel.school.nz | Kirwee |
Kokatahi-Kowhitirangi School | Hokitika | |
Kumara School | Kumara | |
Ladbrooks School | https://www.ladbrooks.school.nz | Christchurch |
Lake Tekapo School | Lake Tekapo | |
Lauriston School | https://lauriston.ultranet.school.nz | Ashburton |
Leeston School | https://www.leeston.school.nz | Leeston |
Leithfield School | https://www.leithfield.school.nz | Amberley |
Lincoln Primary School | https://lincolnprimary.ultranet.school.nz/ | Lincoln |
Linwood Avenue School | https://www.linwoodave.school.nz | Christchurch |
Linwood North School | https://www.linwoodnorth.school.nz | Christchurch |
Little River School | https://www.littleriver.school.nz | Little River |
Loburn School | https://loburn.ultranet.school.nz | Rangiora |
Lynton Downs School | Kaikoura | |
Mairehau School | https://www.mps.school.nz | Christchurch |
Makikihi School | https://www.makikihi.school.nz | Makikihi |
Marshland School | https://www.marshland.school.nz | Christchurch |
Mayfield School (Mid-Canterbury) | https://www.mayfieldschool.co.nz | Ashburton |
Merrin School | https://www.merrin.school.nz | Christchurch |
Methven School | https://www.methven.school.nz | Methven |
Mt Somers Springburn School | https://www.mtss.school.nz | Ashburton |
Aoraki Mount Cook School | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aoraki-Mount-Cook-School/215334408504324 | Mt Cook |
Mt Pleasant School | https://www.mtpleasant.school.nz | Christchurch |
New Brighton Catholic School (Chch) | https://www.newbrightoncatholic.school.nz | Christchurch |
North Loburn School | https://www.northloburn.school.nz | Loburn North |
Northcote School (Christchurch) | https://www.northcotechch.co.nz | Christchurch |
Oaklands School | https://www.oaklands.school.nz | Christchurch |
Ohoka School | https://ohoka.ultranet.school.nz | Kaiapoi |
Okains Bay School | Okains Bay | |
Omihi School | https://www.omihischool.nz/home/ | Hurunui |
Opawa School | https://www.opawa.school.nz/ | Christchurch |
Our Lady of Assumption School (Chch) | https://www.ola.school.nz | Christchurch |
Our Lady of Snows School (Methven) | https://www.ladysnow.school.nz | Methven |
Our Lady of Victories | https://www.olv.school.nz | Christchurch |
Ouruhia Model School | https://ouruhia.wikispaces.com | Christchurch |
Papanui School | https://www.papanuiprimary.school.nz | Christchurch |
Paparoa Street School | https://www.paparoastreet.school.nz | Christchurch |
Parkview School | https://www.parkview.school.nz | Christchurch |
Paroa School (Greymouth) | https://www.paroagrey.school.nz | Greymouth |
Pitt Island School | https://www.pittisland.school.nz | Chatham Islands |
Pleasant Point Primary School | https://www.pointprimary.school.nz | Pleasant Point |
Prebbleton School | https://www.prebbleton.school.nz | Prebbleton |
Queenspark School | https://www.queenspark.school.nz | Christchurch |
Rakaia School | https://www.rakaia.school.nz | Rakaia |
Rangiora Borough School | https://www.rangiora.school.nz | Rangiora |
Redcliffs School | https://www.redcliffs.school.nz | Christchurch |
Redwood School (Christchurch) | https://www.redwoodprimary.school.nz | Christchurch |
Riccarton School | https://www.riccartonprimary.school.nz | Christchurch |
Rolleston School | https://www.rolleston.school.nz | Rolleston |
Ross School | https://www.ross.schoolzone.net.nz | Ross |
Rotherham School | https://www.rotherham.school.nz | Rotherham |
Rowley Avenue School | https://www.rowley.school.nz | Christchurch |
Roydvale School | https://www.roydvale.school.nz | Christchurch |
Runanga School | https://www.runanga.school.nz/ | Runanga |
Russley School | https://www.russley.school.nz | Christchurch |
Sacred Heart School (Timaru) | https://www.sacredhearttim.school.nz | Timaru |
Sefton School | https://www.sefton.school.nz | Sefton |
Sheffield Contributing School | https://www.sheffieldprimary.school.nz | Sheffield |
Shirley Intermediate | https://www.sis.school.nz | Christchurch |
Shirley School | https://www.shirleyprimary.school.nz | Christchurch |
Sockburn School | https://www.sockburn.school.nz | Christchurch |
Somerfield School | https://www.somerfield.school.nz | Christchurch |
South Hornby School | https://www.southhornby.school.nz | Christchurch |
South New Brighton School | https://www.snbs.school.nz | Christchurch |
Southbridge School | https://www.southbridge.school.nz | Southbridge |
Southbrook School | https://www.southbrook.school.nz | Rangiora |
Spreydon School | https://www.spreydon.school.nz | Christchurch |
Springfield School | https://springfield.ultranet.school.nz/home | Springfield |
Springston School | https://www.springston.school.nz | Springston |
St Albans Catholic School (Christchurch) | https://www.stalbanscatholic.school.nz | Christchurch |
St Albans School | https://www.stalbans.school.nz | Christchurch |
St Andrew’s School (Timaru) | https://www.standrewsprimary.school.nz | St Andrews |
St Anne’s School (Woolston) | https://www.stannes.co.nz | Christchurch |
St Bernadette’s School (Hornby) | https://www.stbernadetteschch.school.nz | Christchurch |
St James School (Aranui) | https://www.stjames.school.nz | Christchurch |
St Joseph’s School (Ashburton) | https://www.st-josephs.school.nz | Ashburton |
St Joseph’s School (Pleasant Point) | https://www.stjoplpt.school.nz/ | Pleasant Point |
St Joseph’s School (Fairlie) | https://www.stjofairlie.school.nz | Fairlie |
Te Wharekura o Mauao | https://twom.maori.nz | Tauranga |
Papamoa College | https://www.papamoacollege.school.nz | Tauranga |
Garin College | https://www.garincollege.ac.nz | Nelson |
Rototuna Primary School | https://www.rototunaprimary.school.nz | Hamilton |
Hobsonville Point Secondary School | https://www.hpss.school.nz/ | Auckland |
Reremoana Primary School | https://www.reremoana.school.nz | Auckland |
Clearview Primary | https://www.clearview.school.nz | Rolleston |
Name | Region |
Aoraki Polytechnic | Canterbury |
Bay Of Plenty Polytechnic | Bay of Plenty |
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology | Canterbury |
Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawkes Bay | Hawke’s Bay |
Mahurangi Technical Institute | Auckland |
Manukau Institute of Technology | Auckland |
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology | Nelson |
NorthTec | Northland |
Otago Polytechnic | Coastal Otago |
Southern Institute of Technology – Zero Fees English | Southland |
Tai Poutini Polytechnic | West Coast |
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand | Wellington |
Unitec Institute of Technology | Auckland |
Universal College of Learning (UCOL) | Manawatu |
Waiariki Institute of Technology | Rotorua |
Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) | Hamilton |
Wellington Institute of Technology | Wellington |
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) | Taranaki |
Whitireia New Zealand | Wellington |
Name | Region |
ACG Norton – AUT International Foundation Certificate | Auckland |
ACG NZIC – University of Auckland Foundation Studies | Auckland |
Massey University Foundation Studies Programme | Manawatu |
The University of Waikato Foundation Studies | Hamilton |
University of Canterbury Foundation Studies | Canterbury |
University of Otago Language Centre and Foundation Year | Coastal Otago |
Taylors Auckland Foundation Year (TAFY) | Auckland |
Name | Region |
AUT University | Auckland |
Lincoln University | Canterbury |
Massey University | Manawatu |
The University of Auckland | Auckland |
The University of Canterbury | Canterbury |
The University of Otago | Coastal Otago |
The University of Waikato | Hamilton |
Victoria University of Wellington | Wellington |
Name | Region |
ABC College of English | Queenstown |
Alpha Educational Institute | Canterbury |
Aspiring Language Institute | Auckland |
Auckland Goldstar Institute | Auckland |
Canterbury College | Canterbury |
CCEL – Christchurch and Auckland | Canterbury |
CPIT School of English | Canterbury |
Dominion English Schools | Auckland |
ECN English Academy | Hamilton |
Edenz Colleges | Auckland |
EF International Language School | Auckland |
Embassy English Auckland School | Auckland |
English Language Matters Ltd | Coastal Otago |
ETC English Teaching College | Manawatu |
Evakona Education | The Coromandel |
Excel English College | Canterbury |
Fern School of English | Auckland |
International College of Auckland | Auckland |
Lake Wanaka Language Centre | Lake Wanaka |
Language Studies International | Auckland |
Languages International | Auckland |
Making Futures Happen International Institute | Wellington |
Massey University English Language Centre | Manawatu |
New Horizon College of English | Hawke’s Bay |
New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA) | Auckland |
North Shore Language School | Auckland |
Regent International Education | Auckland |
Rotorua English Language Academy | Rotorua |
Southern Lakes English College | Queenstown |
The Campbell Institute – Capital Language Academy | Wellington |
The University of Auckland English Language Academy | Auckland |
The University of Waikato Language Institute | Hamilton |
Unique New Zealand | Auckland |
University of Canterbury English Language Centre | Canterbury |
University of Otago Language Centre | Coastal Otago |
UUNZ Institute of Business | Auckland |
English Teaching College | Wellington |
NZLC Wellington | Wellington |
Excellent International Academy | Auckland |
Worldwide School of English | Auckland |
Taupo Language | Taupo |
Coromandel Outdoor Language Centre | The Coromandel |
NZLC Auckland | Auckland |
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