英國 United Kingdom
全名:United Kingdom
貨幣:英鎊 £ (GBP)
倫敦 (夏天:最高22度/最低14度)、(冬天:最高7.5度/最低3.5度)
愛丁堡 (夏天:最高18.5度/最低11度)、(冬天:最高6度/最低0.5度)
*Key Stage 1: 5- 7 歲
*Key Stage 2: 7- 11 歲
Key Stage 3: 11- 14 歲 (中一至中三)
Key Stage 4: 14- 16 歲 (GCSE)
Key Stage 5: 16- 18 歲 (AL)
*Key Stage 1 和 Key Stage 2 (一年班至六年班)
A Level 後便是為期 3 年的學士學位; 碩士學位一般1至2年
全英國約有大概3000間私立學校,當中約500間寄宿學校。英國學校注重校風,協助學生融入群體生活,成為了熱門升學國家之一。除了著重成績,也鼓勵學生參加不同的課外活動,發展他們的興趣,從而準備升大學之路。英國和香港一樣也是9月正式開學,建議預早一年申請學校,因大部分學校需要考入學試及安排面試。(1) 自行安排,
(1) 自行安排
如果自行安排住宿,是可以而日學生 (Day Student) 形式上學,學費也是跟國際學生的價錢。
(2) 寄宿學校
某部分學校舍監 (House Parent) 是24小時服務的,提供協助
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
英國學生的第1個公開考試,一般在第10班及11班 (香港的中四及中五) 修讀,在2年內修讀10至12科。
國際認可的2年中學課程於12班及13班修讀, (12, 13 班也可稱為 Sixth Form) 學生可以用成績報讀各國大學。第1年是AS ; A2 便是第2年。從GCSE的十多科揀選3-4科專修以符合英國大學的入學資格。一般學校會協助學生申請大學的需要,大大提升面試技巧及教導修改個人介紹信等。部分香港學生也會經修讀 A level 取得優異成績後,以 Non Jupas 身份申請入讀香港大學 (特別是醫科類) 某些 Sixth Form 有濃縮版的1年 A level,相比正常的2年制,比較適合英語及成績良好的學生。*以下科目只作參考,請以各間學校為準*
Foundation Course 大學基礎班
大學基礎班顧名思義是大學前的預備班,好讓國際學生入大學前作好準備。課程以小班教學上堂,教授相關知識,(例如將來學士學科希望修讀經濟便會學習宏觀經濟學及微觀經濟學),寫論文,小組討論等。只要達到升學的分數 (分數視乎各間大學及所選擇科目,一般40-70 %不等),足夠的出席率 (最少80%)及交齊功課便可以升讀該所大學。譬如:Liverpool International College 便是 University of Liverpool 的大學基礎班,達到升學要求便可以升上University of Liverpool 修讀大學一年級。修讀預備班期間都是在大學範圍,所以國際學生也可以享用校內設施,例如圖書館、電腦室等,讓國際學生容易適應。開學月份主要是9月及1月,正常修讀2個學期 (部分學院提供3個或4個學期,視乎學生在香港的成績及英文雅思成績而決定)
International year one 大學一年級文憑
International Year One 意思都是大學1年級,只係同學是國際學生。課程和正式大學1年級相約,完成便可以升讀2年級。時間上沒有多或少,也是3年獲取學士學位 (蘇格蘭4年)
升班要求:達到升學的分數,足夠的出席率,功課 (跟基礎班一樣,升讀聯繫大學)
UK University 英國大學
大學除了蘇格蘭是4年制外,英格蘭,威爾斯及北愛爾蘭一般都是3年。需留意是某些工程學年期是4年,而醫學相關科目須修讀多1-3年。英國部份大學課程提供SANDWICH選擇,讓學生可以實習一年,拿取工作經驗後,再回到大學完成學士課程。有些更可以到其他國家實習,了解當地文化令個人履歷更豐富。香港申請大學是 Jupas 而英國便是 UCAS (Universities & College Admission Service) 。由2020年起,1間大學申請費從以前的 £18 增加至 £20;如5間需付£25 (請留意價錢每年都有機會變動) 希望報讀牛津或劍橋的學生,在UCAS 申請上只可以選擇一間! 請參考重要日期*
課程 平均每年(英鎊)
英語課程:£10,000 – £15,000
中小學課程 (包括住宿及膳食費):£13,000 – £40,000
大學基礎課程 (Foundation):£7,500 – £17,000
大學文憑課程 (Diploma):£10,000 – £17,000
學士課程 (Bachelor Degree):£11,000 – £30,000
碩士課程 (Master Degree):£13,000 – £31,000
住宿種類/其他 平均每年(英鎊)
學生宿舍 (不包食):£4,000 – £9,000
寄宿家庭:£4,500 – £11,000
租住房屋 (不包食):£6,000 – 15,000
監護人:£1,000 – £3,000
校服:£500 – £1,000
其他 (書本、交通):£300 – £1,000
Name | City | Region |
A Plus English Sheffield | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
A2Z School of English London | London | London |
A2Z School of English Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
Abbey College | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
ABC School of English | London | London |
Aberystwyth University | Aberystwyth | Wales |
Absolutely English | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
Academy of English Language Studies | Kent | South East of England |
Academy SJW (St. John’s Wood School of English) | London | London |
Accent International Language Consultancy | Devon | South West of England |
Accord – International Summer Schools | Sussex | South East of England |
Accord Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
Active Learning School of English | London | London |
ADC College Harrow | Middlesex | London |
Al Hayat International Language Centre | Lancashire | North West of England |
Alexanders College | Suffolk | East of England |
Alpha Omega College | Cardiff | Wales |
Anglia Ruskin University | Cambridge | East of England |
Anglo Continental | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Anglo European School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Anglo-Continental School for Young Learners | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Anglo-Continental School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Anglolang Academy of English | York | South East of England |
Anniesland College | Glasgow | Scotland |
Apex College | Manchester | North West of England |
Ardmore Language School | Berkshire | South East of England |
Avalon School of English | London | London |
B Fluent School of English | Southampton | South East of England |
BABSSCo Multicentre | Middlesex | London |
Babylon School of Languages | Salisbury | South West of England |
Barnet and Southgate College | London | London |
Basil Paterson | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Bath Academy | Bath | West Midlands |
Bede’s Summer School Hailsham | Sussex | South East of England |
Bedford College | Bedford | East of England |
Bedford School Study Centre | Bedford | East of England |
Beet Language Centre (ALPHA Language Centre) | Bournemout | West Midlands |
Belfast Metropolitan College | Belfast | Northern Ireland |
Bell Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Bell London | London | London |
Bell young learner centres Multicentre | Cambridge | East of England |
Berlitz Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Berlitz London | London | London |
Berlitz Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
Berlitz Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Berlitz Windsor | Berkshire | South East of England |
BEST English Language Training | Liverpool | North West of England |
BEST in Bath | Bath | West Midlands |
Birmingham College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Birmingham Metropolitan College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Bishopstrow College Warminster | Wiltshire | South West of England |
Bloomsbury International (UK) Ltd | London | London |
BLS English | Suffolk | East of England |
Boston College | Lincolnshire | East Midlands |
Bournemouth Academy College of English and Computing | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Bournemouth Business School International | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Bournemouth School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Bradford College | Bradford | South East of England |
Brasshouse Language Centre | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Bright School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Brighton International Summer School | Brighton | South East of England |
Brighton Language College | Brighton | South East of England |
Bristol Language Centre | Bristol | South West of England |
British International School | London | London |
British Study Centres Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
British Study Centres Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
British Study Centres London | London | London |
British Study Centres Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Brooklands College | Surrey | South East of England |
Brunel University International Pathways and Language Centre | Uxbridge | London |
Bucksmore Education Multicentre | London | London |
Buckswood Overseas Summer School | Sussex | South East of England |
Buckswood School Guesting | Sussex | South East of England |
Burlington School of English | London | London |
Caledonian Language School | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Cambridge Academy of English | Cambridge | East of England |
Cambridge Centre for Languages | Cambridge | East of England |
Cambridge International Centre | Cambridge | East of England |
Cambridge Language and Activity Courses | Cambridge | East of England |
Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury | Kent | South East of England |
Canterbury Language Training | Canterbury | North West of England |
Capital School of English Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Capital School of English Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Cardiff and Vale College International | Cardiff | Wales |
Cardiff Management and Languages Academy | Cardiff | Wales |
Castle School of English | Brighton | South East of England |
Cavendish School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Cavendish School of English (Adults) | Bournemouth | South West of England |
CEG (Stafford House School of English Brighton) | Brighton | South East of England |
CEG (Stafford House School of English Canterbury) | Canterbury | North West of England |
CEG (Stafford House School of English London) | London | London |
CELT – Centre for English Language Teaching | Cardiff | Wales |
Celtic School | Cardiff | Wales |
Central College Nottingham | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Central Language School | Cambridge | East of England |
Central School of English | London | London |
Central Sussex College | Sussex | South East of England |
Centre of English Studies Leeds | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Centre of English Studies Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Centre of English Studies Wimbledon | London | London |
Centre of English Studies Worthing | Worthing | South East of England |
Ceran Lingua UK | Rutland | East Midlands |
Chichester College | Chichester | South East of England |
Chichester Language College | Chichester | South East of England |
Christian English Language Centre | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Churchill House School of English Language | Kent | South East of England |
Churchill House Summer Centres | Kent | South East of England |
Cicero Languages International | Kent | South East of England |
City and Islington College | London | London |
City College Brighton & Hove | Brighton | South East of England |
City College Coventry | Coventry | West Midlands |
City College Nottingham | Nottingham | East Midlands |
City of Bath College | Bath | West Midlands |
City of Bristol College | Bristol | South West of England |
City of Glasgow College | Glasgow | Scotland |
City of Sunderland College | Sunderland | North East of England |
City School of Languages | Swansea | Wales |
Clubclass | London | London |
Clydebank College | Clydebank | Scotland |
Colchester English Study Centre | Essex | East of England |
Colchester Institute | Essex | East of England |
Coleg Gwent | Newport | Wales |
College of International Education | Oxford | South East of England |
College of North West London | London | London |
Communicaid | London | London |
Community Revival Chorlton | Manchester | North West of England |
Concord College Shrewsbury | Shropshire | West Midlands |
Concorde International | Kent | South East of England |
Concorde International Summer School | Kent | South East of England |
Cotswold International Language School | Gloucester | South West of England |
Country Cousins | Devon | South West of England |
Crest Schools of English | London | London |
De Montfort University | Leicester | East Midlands |
Delfin English School | London | London |
Discovery Summer | London | London |
d’Overbroecks International Study Centre | Oxford | South East of England |
Dudley College | Dudley | West Midlands |
Dundee College | Dundee | Scotland |
Eagle International School | Dorset | South West of England |
Ealing Hammersmith & West London College | London | London |
East Kent College | Kent | South East of England |
East London School of English | London | London |
Eastbourne School of English | Sussex | South East of England |
EC Language Centres Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
EC Language Centres Bristol | Bristol | South West of England |
EC Language Centres Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
EC Language Centres London | London | London |
EC Language Centres Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Eckersley Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
ECS Scotland | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Eden College | London | London |
EDEN College International | London | London |
Edgware Academy | London | London |
Edinburgh College | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Edinburgh Language Academy | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Edinburgh Language Centre | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Edinburgh School of English | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Edwards Language School | London | London |
EJEF Study Centre | Wycombe | South East of England |
ELAC Study Vacations | Bath | West Midlands |
ELC Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
ELC London Hampstead School of English | London | London |
ELC Manchester Academy of English | Manchester | North West of England |
ELC York | York | South East of England |
Elizabeth Johnson Organisation LLP | Hampshire | South East of England |
Embassy English Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Embassy English Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Embassy English Hastings | Hastings | South East of England |
Embassy English London | London | London |
Embassy English Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Embassy English Sussex | Sussex | South East of England |
Embassy Summer | Sussex | South East of England |
English 2000 School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
English and Cultural Studies Centres | Middlesex | London |
English and Skills Training (ESTL) | London | London |
English Country Schools | Gloucester | South West of England |
English in Chester | Chester | North West of England |
English in Exeter (SKOLA) | Devon | South West of England |
English in London (SKOLA) | London | London |
English in Margate Margate | Kent | South East of England |
English in York | York | South East of England |
English Language Adventure School | Luton | East of England |
English Language Centre | Brighton | South East of England |
English Language House | Milton Keynes | South East of England |
English Language Training | London | London |
English Study Tours | London | London |
ETC International College | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Etherton Education | Somerset | South West of England |
Eurocentres Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Eurocentres Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Eurocentres Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Eurocentres Eltham London | London | London |
Eurocentres London | London | London |
Europa School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Excel Academy | Kent | South East of England |
Excel College | Manchester | North West of England |
Excel English Language School Ltd | London | London |
Exeter Academy | Devon | South West of England |
Exsportise Multicentre | Sussex | South East of England |
Fettes Centre for Language and Culture | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Flexilearning Centre Ltd. Ilford | London | London |
Foyle Language School | Derry | Northern Ireland |
Frances King School of English | London | London |
Gate College | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Glasgow School of English | Glasgow | Scotland |
Global School of English | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Globe English Centre | Exeter | South West of England |
Gloucestershire College | Cheltenham | South West of England |
Golders Green College | London | London |
Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education | Grimsby | Yorkshire and Humber |
Guildford College | Surrey | South East of England |
Hadfield Institute | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
Hamilton School of English | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Hampstead School of English | London | London |
Harrogate Language Academy | York | South East of England |
Harrow College | Middlesex | London |
Harrow House International College | Swanage | South West of England |
Harven School of English | Surrey | South East of England |
Hastings English Language Centre | Sussex | South East of England |
Heathfield Summer School | Berkshire | South East of England |
Henley College | Coventry | West Midlands |
Highbury College | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Hilderstone College Broadstairs | Kent | South East of England |
Homelingua | Oxford | South East of England |
Hull College | Humberside | Yorkshire and Humber |
Hurtwood House | Surrey | South East of England |
ILS English | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Inlingua Cardiff | Cardiff | Wales |
Inlingua Cheltenham | Cheltenham | South West of England |
Inlingua Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Intensive School of English Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Intensive School of English Hove | Hove | South East of England |
Interactive English Language School | Hove | South East of England |
International College Sherborne | Dorset | South West of England |
International Community School | London | London |
International House Aberdeen | Aberdeen | Scotland |
International House Belfast | Belfast | Northern Ireland |
International House Bristol | Bristol | South West of England |
International House London | London | London |
International House London | London | London |
International House Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
International House Newcastle | Newcastle | North East of England |
International Language Holidays | Essex | East of England |
International Projects Centre | Exeter | South West of England |
International Quest | Bournemouth | South West of England |
International Student Club | Hertfordshire | East of England |
InterNexus Centre for Language Studies | London | London |
INTO Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
INTO Queen’s University | Belfast | Northern Ireland |
INTO Scotland at Glasgow Caledonian University | Glasgow | Scotland |
INTO University of East Anglia | Norwich | East of England |
InTuition Languages | London | London |
Inverness College | Inverness | Scotland |
ISCA School of English | Exeter | South West of England |
ISIS Brighton | Sussex | South East of England |
ISIS Education and Travel | London | London |
ISIS Greenwich London | London | London |
ISIS Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Islington Centre for English | London | London |
Itchen College | Southampton | South East of England |
James Watt College of Further & Higher Education | Greenock | Scotland |
Kaplan International Colleges Bath | Bath | West Midlands |
Kaplan International Colleges Bath | Bath | West Midlands |
Kaplan International Colleges Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Covent Garden | London | London |
Kaplan International Colleges Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Kaplan International Colleges Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Kaplan International Colleges Leicester Square | London | London |
Kaplan International Colleges London | London | London |
Kaplan International Colleges Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Salisbury | Salisbury | South West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Salisbury | Salisbury | South West of England |
Kaplan International Colleges Summer Schools | London | London |
Kaplan International Colleges Torquay | Torquay | South West of England |
Katherine & Kings College of London | London | London |
Keele University English Language Unit | Keele | West Midlands |
Kensington Academy of English (David Game College) | London | London |
Kent School of English | Kent | South East of England |
Kheiron School of English | Oxford | South East of England |
King Street College | London | London |
Kings Colleges Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Kings Colleges London | London | London |
Kings Colleges Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Kings Summer Camps | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Kingston College | Kingston | London |
Lake School of English | Oxford | South East of England |
LAL Group London | London | London |
LAL Group Torbay | Torbay | South West of England |
LAL UK Summer Schools | London | London |
Langside College | Glasgow | Scotland |
Language Cafe Salford | Manchester | North West of England |
Language in London Ltd | London | London |
Language in Totnes Ltd | Devon | South West of England |
Language Link Limited | London | London |
Language Specialists International | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Language Studies International Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Language Studies International Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Language Studies International Hampstead | Hampstead | London |
Language Studies International London | London | London |
Language Study Centres | Manchester | North West of England |
Language Teaching Centre Brighton | Sussex | South East of England |
Language Teaching Centres Eastbourne | Sussex | South East of England |
Language Teaching Centres London | London | London |
Language UK | Kent | South East of England |
Languages Plus (Sprachcaffe) | Brighton | South East of England |
Languages United | Bath | West Midlands |
Leeds English Language School | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Leeds Language Academy | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Leeds Language College | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Leeds Metropolitan University Centre for Language Study | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Leicester Square School of English | London | London |
Lewis School of English | Southampton | South East of England |
Lines Languages Ltd | Newbury | South East of England |
Linguacentre London | London | London |
Lingualink Ltd. | Rhyl | Wales |
Live Language | Glasgow | Scotland |
Liverpool Community College | Liverpool | North West of England |
Liverpool International Language Academy | Liverpool | North West of England |
Liverpool School of English | Liverpool | North West of England |
Living Learning English | Bristol | South West of England |
London Empire Academy | London | London |
London House School of English | Kent | South East of England |
London International Study Centre | Surrey | South East of England |
London Language Centre Institute of International Education | London | London |
London Learning Centre | London | London |
London Meridian College | London | London |
London Metropolitan University | London | London |
London School of Business & Finance | London | London |
London Study Centre | London | London |
Loughborough College | Leicestershire | East Midlands |
Loxdale English Centre | Brighton | South East of England |
Lydbury English Centre Ltd | Shropshire | West Midlands |
Mackenzie School of English | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Magnifico Travel | Middlesex | London |
Malvern House | London | London |
Manchester Academy of English | Manchester | North West of England |
Manchester Central School of English | Manchester | North West of England |
Manchester English School | Manchester | North West of England |
Manchester International College | Manchester | North West of England |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester | North West of England |
Manor Courses | Brighton | South East of England |
Marcus Evans Linguarama Bath | Bath | West Midlands |
Marcus Evans Linguarama London | London | London |
Marcus Evans Linguarama Stratford | Stratford | London |
Mayfair School of English | London | London |
Mayflower College of English | Plymouth | South West of England |
Melton College | York | South East of England |
Mercator Schools Ltd | Cornwall | South East of England |
Meridian School of English | Devon | South West of England |
Meridian School of English Portsmouth | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Millfield School | Somerset | South West of England |
Milner School of English | London | London |
Milton Keynes College | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
MLI International Schools | London | London |
MLS International College | Bournemouth | South West of England |
MM Oxford Study Services Ltd | Oxford | South East of England |
Moreton Hall International Study Centre | Shropshire | West Midlands |
Mountlands Language School | Devon | South West of England |
Nab Cottage/English Language in the Lake | Cumbria | North West of England |
New College Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
New College Nottingham | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Newbold College Bracknell | Bracknell | South East of England |
Newcastle College | Newcastle | North East of England |
Newcastle International School of English | Newcastle | North East of England |
North Glasgow College | Glasgow | Scotland |
North West Academy of English | Derry | Northern Ireland |
Northumbria School of English | Newcastle | North East of England |
Northunbria University | Newcastle | North East of England |
Norwich Institute for Languages Education (NILE) | Norwich | East of England |
Norwich Study Centre Flying Classrooms School of English | Norwich | East of England |
Nottingham Language Academy | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Nottingham Trent University English Language Centre | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Nova New opportunities | London | London |
Oaklands College | Hertfordshire | East of England |
OISE Bristol | Bristol | South West of England |
OISE Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
OISE London | London | London |
OISE Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
OISE Sherbourne Priors Ltd | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
OISE Young Learners’ Schools | Oxford | South East of England |
Olivet English Language School | Brighton | South East of England |
OME School of English Pinner | Middlesex | London |
One to One English | London | London |
Open Doors International College | Devon | South West of England |
Our World English Schools | London | London |
Ovingdean Hall ILC | Brighton | South East of England |
Oxford and Cherwell Valley College | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford Brookes International | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford English Centre | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford House College London | London | London |
Oxford House College Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford House College Stratford | Stratford | London |
Oxford Language Centre | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford Royale Summer School | Oxford | South East of England |
Oxford School of English | Oxford | South East of England |
Padworth College | Reading | South East of England |
Parkland International | Reading | South East of England |
Peartree Languages | Cardiff | Wales |
Pembrokeshire College | Haverfordwest | Wales |
Peterborough Regional College | Peterborough | East of England |
Pilgrims Kent | Kent | South East of England |
PLUS Ltd | London | London |
Portsmouth English Language School | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Princes College | London | London |
Professional Language Solutions | London | London |
Purley Language College | Surrey | South East of England |
Queen Margaret University College | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Randolph School of English | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Regent Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Regent Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Regent Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Regent Home Tuition | Brighton | South East of England |
Regent London | London | London |
Regent Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Regent Scanbrit | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Regent Young Learners | Oxford | South East of England |
Reid Kerr College | Paisley | Scotland |
Richard Language College | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Richmond Adult Community College | Twickenham | London |
Richmond Language Training Ltd | Surrey | South East of England |
Riversdown House Richard Lewis Communications | Winchester | South East of England |
Riviera English School Ltd | Torquay | South West of England |
Robertson Languages International | Berkshire | South East of England |
Rose of York Language School Ltd | London | London |
Scarborough International School | Scarborough | North East of England |
School of English Studies | Kent | South East of England |
Severnvale Academy | Shrewsbury | West Midlands |
Shakespeare College | London | London |
Shane Global Language Centres Hastings | Hastings | South East of England |
Shane Global Language Centres London | London | London |
Sidmouth International School | Devon | South West of England |
South Birmingham College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
South Leicestershire College | Leicester | East Midlands |
South Thames College | London | London |
Southall School of Language and Missionary | Middlesex | London |
Southampton Language College | Southampton | South East of England |
Southbourne School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Speak Up London | London | London |
Speakeasy School of English | London | London |
Spinnaker College | Portsmouth | South East of England |
St Andrews College Language Schools | Glasgow | Scotland |
St Giles International Junior Residential Summer Course | Bournemouth | South West of England |
St Giles London Central | London | London |
St. Albans School of Languages | Hertfordshire | East of England |
St. Edmund’s College Near Ware | Hertfordshire | East of England |
St. George International English Language Centre | London | London |
St. Giles International Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
St. Giles International Eastbourne | Eastbourne | South East of England |
St. Giles International London Central | London | London |
St. Giles International London Highgate | London | London |
St. Michael’s College | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
St. Peter’s School of English | Kent | South East of England |
Stafford House School of English Kent | Kent | South East of England |
Stafford House School of English London | London | London |
Stafford House Study Holidays | Kent | South East of England |
Stamford Academy | Lincolnshire | East Midlands |
Stanton School of English | London | London |
Stratford College | London | London |
Stratford-upon-Avon College | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
Students International Ltd. Melton Mowbray | Leicester | East Midlands |
Studio Cambridge | Eastbourne | South East of England |
Studio Cambridge English Language Courses | Cambridge | East of England |
Summer Boarding Courses | Guiseley | Yorkshire and Humber |
Sussex Coast College | Hastings | South East of England |
Sussex Downs College Lewes East | Sussex | South East of England |
Suzanne Sparrow Language School Ltd. | Plymouth | South West of England |
Swansea University ELTS | Swansea | Wales |
TASIS The American School in England Summer Programs | Surrey | South East of England |
Taunton School International | Somerset | South West of England |
Telford College of Arts and Technology | Telford | West Midlands |
The Devon School of English | Devon | South West of England |
The English Experience (UK) Ltd | Norwich | East of England |
The English Language Centre Bristol | Bristol | South West of England |
The English Language Centre Sussex | Sussex | South East of England |
The English Studio Language School | London | London |
The Language Gallery at LSBF Birmingham | Birmingham | West Midlands |
The Language Gallery at LSBF London | London | London |
The Language Gallery at LSBF Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
The London School of English | London | London |
The Manchester College | Manchester | North West of England |
The New School of English | Cambridge | East of England |
The Sheffield College | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
The Tutorial Foundation Bromley | Kent | South East of England |
TLI Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Torquay International School | Devon | South West of England |
Totnes European School | Devon | South West of England |
Trebinshun House | Powys | Wales |
Trent College | Derry | Northern Ireland |
Trinity TS UK | Carmarthan | Wales |
TTI School of English | London | London |
Tudor Hall School of English | Oxford | South East of England |
Twin English Centre Eastbourne | Eastbourne | South East of England |
Twin English Centre London | London | London |
Twin English Language Centres Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Twin English Language Centres London | London | London |
Twin English Language Centres Salisbury | Salisbury | South West of England |
Twin Summer Centres | London | London |
Twin Towers English College | London | London |
UCL Centre for Languages and International Education | London | London |
UIC Vacation Courses | London | London |
UK College of English | Essex | East of England |
UK2Learn | Surrey | South East of England |
UKLC | Bristol | South West of England |
United International College | London | London |
United World School of English | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Uxbridge College | Middlesex | London |
Vacational Studies | Newbury | South East of England |
Victoria School of English | London | London |
Village Camps | York | South East of England |
Waltham Forest College | London | London |
Warnborough College | Kent | South East of England |
Warwickshire College | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
WE Bridge International Ltd | Cardiff | Wales |
Wessex Academy School of English | Dorset | South West of England |
West London Business College | London | London |
Westbourne Academy | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Westminster Academy | London | London |
Westminster Kingsway College | London | London |
Weymouth English Centre | Dorset | South West of England |
Williams College | London | London |
Wimbledon Language Academy | Wimbledon | London |
Wimbledon School of English Eastbourne | Eastbourne | South East of England |
Wimbledon School of English London | Wimbledon | London |
Winchester School of English | Winchester | South East of England |
Wirral Metropolitan College | Merseyside | Northern Ireland |
York College | York | South East of England |
York St. John University | York | South East of England |
Name of School | City | Region |
Abbey Christian Brothers Grammar School | County Down | Northern Ireland |
Abbey College | Manchester | North West of England |
Abbey College Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Abbey College Ramsey | Cambridge | East of England |
Abbey Gate College | Cheshire West and Chester | North West of England |
Abbey Grange Church of England High School | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Abbey School | Torbay | South West of England |
Abbeydale Grange School | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
Abbeyfield School | Northamptonshire | East Midlands |
Abbeywood Community School | South Gloucestershire | South West of England |
Abbot Beyne School | Burton upon Trent | West Midlands |
Abbots Bromley School for Girls | Staffordshire | West Midlands |
Abbot’s Hill School | Hemel Hempstead | East of England |
Abbotsfield School | Hillingdon | London |
Abbotsholme School | Derbyshire | South West of England |
Abbs Cross Academyand Arts College | Havering | London |
Abbs Cross School and Arts College | Havering | London |
Aberdeen Grammar School | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Aberdeen Waldorf (Steiner) School | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Abingdon School | Abingdon | South East of England |
Abington Academy | Wigston | East Midlands |
Abington Vale Middle School | Northampton | East Midlands |
Aboyne Academy | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Abraham Darby Academy | Telford and Wrekin | West Midlands |
Abraham Guest Academy | Orrell | North West of England |
Abraham Guest High School | Wigan | North West of England |
Abraham Moss High School | Crumpsall | North West of England |
Abrar Academy | Lancashire | North West of England |
Abronhill High School | Cumbernauld | Scotland |
Abu Bakr Boys School | Walsall | West Midlands |
Abu Bakr Girls School | Walsall | West Midlands |
Academy360 | Sunderland | North East of England |
Accrington Academy | Hyndburn | North West of England |
Accrington St Christopher’s Church of England High School | Lancashire | North West of England |
Acklam Grange School | Middlesbrough | North East of England |
Ackworth School | Ackworth | Yorkshire and Humber |
Acland Burghley School | Camden | London |
Acle Academy | Norfolk | East of England |
Acle High School | Norfolk | East of England |
Acorn Independent College | Ealing | London |
ACS International School | Cobham | South East of England |
Acton High School | Acton | London |
Adams’ Grammar School | Telford and Wrekin | West Midlands |
Adcote School for Girls | Shropshire | West Midlands |
Addey and Stanhope School | Lewisham | London |
Addington High School | New Addington | London |
Adeyfield School | Hertfordshire | East of England |
Admiral Lord Nelson School | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Adult College of Barking and Dagenham | Barking and Dagenham | London |
Afifah High School for Girls | Trafford | North West of England |
Ainsdale High School | Ainsdale | North West of England |
Airdrie Academy | North Lanarkshire | Scotland |
Aire Valley School | Bradford | Yorkshire and Humber |
Airedale High School | Airedale | Yorkshire and Humber |
Aireville School | North Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Aith Junior High School | Bixter | Scotland |
Akeley Wood School | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
Akeley Wood Senior School | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
Al Ashraf Secondary School for Girls | Gloucestershire | South West of England |
Al Burhan Grammar School | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Al Furqan Community College(Girls) | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Al Hijrah Secondary School | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Al Huda Girls’ School | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Al Islah School | Blackburn | North West of England |
Al Jamiah Al Islamiyyah | Bolton | North West of England |
Al Karam Secondary School | Nottinghamshire | East Midlands |
Al Khair School | Croydon | London |
Al Madinah School | Derby | East Midlands |
Al Mahad Al Islam School | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
Al Muntada Islamic School | Hammersmith and Fulham | London |
Al Noor College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Al Risalah School | Wandsworth | London |
Al Sadiq and Al Zahra School | Brent | London |
Albany Academy | Chorley | North West of England |
Albany Science College | Lancashire | North West of England |
Albyn School | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Alcester Academy | Warwick | West Midlands |
Alcester Grammar School | Warwick | West Midlands |
Alcester High School Technology College | Warwick | West Midlands |
Alde Valley School | Leiston | East of England |
Aldenham School | Elstree | East of England |
Alder Community High School | Gee Cross | North West of England |
Alder Grange Community and Technology School | Lancashire | North West of England |
Alderbrook Leading Edge School and Arts College | Solihull | West Midlands |
Alderbrook School | Solihull | West Midlands |
Aldercar Community Language College | Derbyshire | South West of England |
Alderley Edge School for Girls | Cheshire East | North West of England |
Alderman Blaxill School | Essex | East of England |
Alderman Jackson Special School | King’s Lynn | East of England |
Alderman Peel High School | Norfolk | East of England |
Alderman White School and Language College | Nottinghamshire | East Midlands |
Aldersley High School | Wolverhampton | West Midlands |
Aldridge School | Walsall | West Midlands |
Aldridge School A Science College | Walsall | West Midlands |
Aldworth Science College | Basingstoke | South East of England |
Alec Hunter Academy | Essex | East of England |
Alec Hunter Humanities College | Essex | East of England |
Alec Reed Academy | Northolt | London |
Alexanders International School | Suffolk | East of England |
Alexandra High School and Sixth Form Centre | Sandwell | West Midlands |
Alexandra Park School | Haringey | London |
Alford Academy | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Alfred Barrow School | Cumbria | North West of England |
Alfreton Grange Arts College | Derbyshire | South West of England |
All Hallows Catholic College | Cheshire East | North West of England |
All Hallows Catholic School | Farnham | South East of England |
All Hallows R.C. Business And Enterprise College | Weaste | North West of England |
All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College | Salford | North West of England |
All Saints Academy | Bedfordshire | East of England |
All Saints Catholic Centre for Learning | Knowsley | North West of England |
All Saints’ Catholic College | Dukinfield | North West of England |
All Saints’ Catholic High School | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
All Saints Catholic Language College | Rossendale | North West of England |
All Saints Catholic School | Dagenham | London |
All Saints Catholic School and Technology College | Barking and Dagenham | London |
All Saints Church of England Academy | Plymouth | South West of England |
All Saints CofE School | Stockton on Tees | North East of England |
All Saints College | Newcastle | North East of England |
All Saints RC Comprehensive School | Nottinghamshire | East Midlands |
All Saints RC School | York | Yorkshire and Humber |
All Saints Roman Catholic High School | Rossendale | North West of England |
All Saints School | Norfolk | East of England |
All Saints Secondary School | Glasgow | Scotland |
Allendale Middle School | Northumberland | North East of England |
Allerton Grange School | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Allerton High School | Alwoodley | Yorkshire and Humber |
Allertonshire School | North Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Alleyn Court Prep School | Southend | East of England |
Alleyne’s High School | Staffordshire | West Midlands |
Alleyn’s School | Southwark | London |
Alloa Academy | Alloa | Scotland |
Almondbury High School | Almondbury | Yorkshire and Humber |
Alness Academy | Highland | Scotland |
Alperton Community School | Brent | London |
Alsager School | Cheshire East | North West of England |
Alsop High School | Liverpool | North West of England |
ALTE School | Croydon | London |
Alton College | Hampshire | South East of England |
Alton Convent School | Alton | South East of England |
Altrincham College of Arts | Trafford | North West of England |
Altrincham Grammar School for Boys | Bowdon | North West of England |
Altrincham Grammar School for Girls | Bowdon | North West of England |
Altwood Church of England School | Maidenhead | South East of England |
Altwood CofE Secondary School | Windsor and Maidenhead | South East of England |
Alumwell Business and Enterprise College | Walsall | West Midlands |
Alva Academy | Clackmannanshire | Scotland |
Amble Middle School | Northumberland | North East of England |
Amersham School | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
Amery Hill School | Alton | South East of England |
Ampleforth College | North Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Andalusia Academy | Bristol | South West of England |
Anderson High School | Lerwick | Scotland |
Andover College | Hampshire | South East of England |
Name of School | City | Region |
Access College London | Norfolk | East of England |
Access to Music | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Alpha Meridian College | London | London |
Amersham and Wycombe College | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
Askham Bryan College | Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Barking & Dagenham College | London | London |
Barnet and Southgate College | London | London |
Barnsley College | Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Basford Hall College | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Basingstoke College Of Technology | Hampshire | South East of England |
Bicton College | Devon | South West of England |
BIMM | Brighton | South East of England |
Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Birmingham Metropolitan College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Blackburn College | Blackburn | North West of England |
Blackpool and The Fylde College | Blackpool | North West of England |
BPP (Professional Education) | London | London |
British School of Osteopathy | London | London |
Brockenhurst College | Hampshire | South East of England |
Bromley College Of Further And Higher Education | London | London |
Bsix Brooke House Sixth Form College | London | London |
Burnley College | Lancashire | North West of England |
Burton upon Trent College | Derbyshire | East Midlands |
Bury College | Manchester | North West of England |
Cambridge Arts and Sciences College | Cambridge | East of England |
Canterbury Christ Church University College | Canterbury | South East of England |
Canterbury College | Canterbury | South East of England |
Central College Nottingham | Nottingham | East Midlands |
City and Islington College | London | London |
City College Brighton And Hove | Brighton | South East of England |
City College Coventry | Coventry | West Midlands |
City College Southampton | Southampton | South East of England |
City of Bath College | Bath | South West of England |
City of Bristol College | Bristol | South West of England |
City Of Westminster College | Westminster | London |
Coatbridge College | North Lanarkshire | Scotland |
Colchester Institute | Essex | East of England |
College Of Central London | London | London |
College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London | London | London |
College of West Anglia | Cambridge | East of England |
Cornwall College | Falmouth | South West of England |
Coventry Technical College | Coventry | West Midlands |
Cricklade College | Coventry | West Midlands |
Croydon College | London | London |
Cumbria Institute of the Arts | Cumbria | North West of England |
Dean College of London | London | London |
Derwentside College | Durham | North East of England |
Dewsbury College | Huddersfield | South East of England |
Doncaster College | Doncaster | Yorkshire and Humber |
Dudley College | Dudley | West Midlands |
Dumfries and Galloway College | Stranraer | Scotland |
Dundee College | Dundee | Scotland |
Ealing Hammersmith & West London College | London | London |
East Brighton College of Media Arts | Brighton | South East of England |
East London College | London | London |
East Norfolk Sixth Form College | Norfolk | East of England |
East Surrey College | Surrey | South East of England |
Eastleigh College | Eastleigh | South East of England |
Epping Forest College | Essex | East of England |
European Business School | London | London |
Farnborough College | Hampshire | South East of England |
Fife College | Fife | Scotland |
Forth Valley College | Stirling | Scotland |
Gateshead College | Gateshead | North East of England |
Glamorgan Centre for Art and Design Technology | Glamorgan | Wales |
Gloucestershire College of Arts and Technology | Gloucestershire | South West of England |
Godalming College | Surrey | South East of England |
Gorseinon College | Swansea | Wales |
Gower College Swansea | Swansea | Wales |
Grantham College | Lincolnshire | East Midlands |
Greenwich Community College | Greenwich | London |
Guildford College | Surrey | South East of England |
Hackney Community College | London | London |
Hammersmith and West London College | London | London |
Harrow College | Middlesex | London |
Hartlepool College of Further Education | Hartlepool | North East of England |
Henley College | Coventry | West Midlands |
Hertford Regional College | Hertfordshire | South East of England |
Heythrop College | London | London |
Highbury College | Portsmouth | South East of England |
Holborn College | London | London |
Isle of Wight College | Newport | South East of England |
John Leggott College | Lincolnshire | East Midlands |
Kingston Maurward College | Dorset | South West of England |
Kirklees College | Huddersfield | South East of England |
Lambeth College | London | London |
Langside College | Glasgow | Scotland |
Leeds College of Music | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Leicester College | Leicester | East Midlands |
Lewisham College | London | London |
Liverpool Community College | Liverpool | North West of England |
Liverpool Institute For Performing Arts | Liverpool | North West of England |
Llandrillo College | Llandrillo | Wales |
London Learning Centre | London | London |
Manchester College of Arts and Technology | Manchester | North West of England |
Mid-Cheshire College | Northwich | North West of England |
MidKent College | Kent | South East of England |
Milton Keynes College | Buckinghamshire | South East of England |
Moray College | Moray | Scotland |
Motherwell College | Ravenscraig | Scotland |
New Basildon College | Essex | East of England |
Newbury College | Berkshire | South East of England |
North East Surrey College of Technology | Surrey | South East of England |
North East Worcestershire College | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
North Hertfordshire College | Hertfordshire | South East of England |
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
Northampton College (Booth Lane) | Northamptonshire | East Midlands |
Northbrook College | Sussex | South East of England |
Northern College | Barnsley | Yorkshire and the Humber |
Norwich City College | Norwich | East of England |
Oaklands College | Hertfordshire | South East of England |
Oxfordshire School of Art and Design | Oxfordshire | South East of England |
Pembrokeshire College | Pembrokeshire | Wales |
Peterborough Regional College | Cambridgeshire | East of England |
Plumpton College | Sussex | South East of England |
Point Blank Music School | London | London |
Reaseheath College | Cheshire | North West of England |
Regents College | London | London |
Richmond upon Thames College | Middlesex | London |
Royal Agriculture College | Gloucestershire | South West of England |
Royal College of Art | London | London |
Sandwell College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
School of Slavonic and East European Studies | London | London |
Sheffield College | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
Shipley College | Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology | Shropshire | West Midlands |
Solihull College | Solihull | West Midlands |
Somerset College | Somerset | South West of England |
South & City College Birmingham | Birmingham | West Midlands |
South Birmingham College | Birmingham | West Midlands |
South Cheshire College | Cheshire | North West of England |
South Kent College | Kent | South East of England |
Southampton City College | Southampton | South East of England |
Southport College | Southport | North West of England |
Southwark College | London | London |
Sparsholt College | Hampshire | South East of England |
St Vincent College | Hampshire | South East of England |
St. Clare’s Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
St. Loye’s School of Occupational Therapy | Exeter | South West of England |
Stanfords College | London | London |
Stanmore College | Middlesex | London |
Stockport College | Manchester | North West of England |
Strode College | Somerset | South West of England |
Suffolk College | Suffolk | East of England |
Sussex Downs College | Sussex | South East of England |
Swindon College | Wiltshire | South East of England |
Tameside College | Manchester | North West of England |
The London College, UCK | London | London |
Thomas Rotherham College | Rotherham | Yorkshire and the Humber |
Tresham College Of Further And Higher Education | Northamptonshire | East Midlands |
UWE Hartpury | Gloucestershire | South West of England |
Uxbridge College | Middlesex | London |
Wakefield College | Yorkshire | Yorkshire and Humber |
Waltham Forest College | London | London |
Warrington Collegiate Institute | Cheshire | North West of England |
Warwickshire College | Warwickshire | West Midlands |
West Herts College | Hertfordshire | South East of England |
West Suffolk College | Cambridgeshire | East of England |
West Thames College | Middlesex | London |
Westminster – Kingsway College | Westminster | London |
Wigan and Leigh College | Wigan | Manchester |
Wirral Metropolitan College | Wirral | North West of England |
Worcester College of Technology | Worcester | West Midlands |
Worcester Sixth Form College | Wirral | North West of England |
Worthing College | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
Yeovil College | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
Name | City | Region |
CATS College Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
CATS College Canterbury | Canterbury | South East of England |
CATS College London | London | London |
Kings College London | London | London |
Kings College Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Kings College Bournemouth | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Bellerbys College Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
Bellerbys College London | London | London |
Bellerbys College Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
Bellerbys College Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
Name | City | Region | Group |
Birmingham City University | Birmingham | West Midlands | Navitas |
Bournemouth University | Bournemouth | South West of England | KIC |
University of Brighton | Brighton | South East of England | KIC |
Anglia Ruskin University | Cambridge | East of England | Navitas |
Coventry University | Coventry | West Midlands | CEG |
University of Exeter | Exeter | South West of England | INTO |
University of Surrey | Guildford | South East of England | SG |
University of Huddersfield | Huddersfield | Yorkshire and Humber | SG |
Lancaster University | Lancaster | East Midlands | SG |
University of Leicester | Leicester | East Midlands | SG |
Loughborough University | Leicestershire | East Midlands | LC |
University of Lincoln | Lincoln | Yorkshire and Humber | SG |
Liverpool John Moores University | Liverpool | North West of England | SG |
University of Liverpool | Liverpool | North West of England | KIC |
Brunel University | London | South East of England | Navitas |
City University London | London | South East of England | KIC |
Kingston University | London | South East of England | SG |
London South Bank University | London | South East of England | CEG |
Royal Holloway College ,University of London | London | South East of England | SG |
St Georges ,University of London | London | South East of England | INTO |
University of Hertfordshire | London | South East of England | Navitas |
University of Westminster | London | South East of England | KIC |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester | North West of England | INTO |
University of Manchester | Manchester | North West of England | INTO |
Newcastle University | Newcastle | North East of England | INTO |
University of East Anglia | Norwich | East of England | INTO |
Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham | East Midlands | KIC |
Plymouth University | Plymouth | South West of England | Navitas |
University of Portsmouth | Portsmouth | South East of England | Navitas |
University of Central Lancashire | Preston | East of England | CEG |
The University Of Sheffield | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber | KIC |
Keele University | Staffordshire | West Midlands | SG |
University of Sunderland | Sunderland | North East of England | CEG |
University of Sussex | Sussex | South East of England | SG |
Queens University of Belfast | Belfast | Northern Ireland | INTO |
Glasgow Caledonian University | Glasgow | Scotland | INTO |
Heriot-Watt University Scotland | Edinburgh | Scotland | SG |
Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen | Scotland | KIC |
University of Glasgow | Glasgow | Scotland | KIC |
University of Strathclyde | Glasgow | Scotland | SG |
Swansea University | Swansea | Wales | Navitas |
University of Gloucester | Gloucester | South West England | INTO |
Edinburgh Napier University | Edinburgh | Scotland | Navitas |
Name | City | Region |
Anglia Ruskin University | Cambridge | East of England |
Aston University | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Bangor University | Bangor | Wales |
Bath Spa University | Bath | South West of England |
Birkbeck ,University of London | London | London |
Birmingham City University | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Bournemouth University | Bournemouth | South West of England |
Brunel University | London | London |
Cardiff Metropolitan University | Cardiff | Wales |
Cardiff University | Cardiff | Wales |
City University London | London | London |
Coventry University | Coventry | West Midlands |
De Montfort University | Leicestershire | East Midlands |
Edge Hill University | Ormskirk | North West of England |
Edinburgh Napier University | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Glasgow Caledonian University | Glasgow | Scotland |
Glasgow University-Academic | Glasgow | Scotland |
Glyndwr University | Wales | Wales |
Goldsmiths ,University of London | London | London |
Heriot-Watt UniversityScotland | Edinburgh | Scotland |
Holborn College | London | London |
Imperial College | London | London |
Institute of Education ,University of London | London | London |
Keele University | Staffordshire | West Midlands |
King’s College ,University of London | London | London |
Kingston University | London | London |
Lancaster University | Lancaster | East Midlands |
Leeds Metropolitan University | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
Liverpool John Moores University | Liverpool | North West of England |
London Institute | London | London |
London Metropolitan University | London | London |
London School of Economics | London | London |
London South Bank University | London | London |
Loughborough University | Leicestershire | East Midlands |
Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester | North West of England |
Middlesex University | London | London |
Newcastle University UK | Newcastle | North East of England |
Newman University | Birmingham | West Midlands |
Northumbria University | Newcastle | North East of England |
Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham | East Midlands |
Oxford Brookes University | Oxford | South East of England |
Plymouth University | Plymouth | South West of England |
Queen Margaret University | Musselburgh | Scotland |
Queen Mary ,University of London | London | London |
Queen Mary College ,University of London | London | London |
Queens University of Belfast | Belfast | Northern Ireland |
Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen | Scotland |
Roehampton University | London | London |
Royal Holloway College ,University of London | London | London |
Royal Veterinary College | London | London |
School of Oriental and African Studies ,University of London | London | London |
Southampton Solent University | Southampton | South East of England |
St Georges ,University of London | London | London |
Staffordshire University | Swansea | Wales |
Swansea University | Swansea | Wales |
Teesside University | Middlesbrough | North East of England |
Thames Valley University | London | London |
The University Of Sheffield | Sheffield | Yorkshire and Humber |
University College London | London | London |
University of Bath | Bath | South West of England |
University of Bedfordshire | Bedfordshire | East of England |
University of Bedfordshire | Bedfordshire | East of England |
University of Birmingham | Birmingham | West Midlands |
University of Bolton | Bolton | North West of England |
University of Brighton | Brighton | South East of England |
University of Bristol | Bristol | South West of England |
University of Buckingham | Buckingham | South East of England |
University of Cambridge | Cambridge | East of England |
University of Central Lancashire | Preston | East of England |
University of Derby | Derbyshire | East Midlands |
University of Dundee | Dundee | Scotland |
University of Durham | Durham | North East of England |
University of East Anglia | Norwich | East of England |
University of East London | London | London |
University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh | Scotland |
University of Essex | Colchester | East of England |
University of Exeter | Exeter | South West of England |
University of Glamorgan | Triforest | Wales |
University of Glasgow | Glasgow | Scotland |
University of Gloucester | Gloucester | South West of England |
University of Greenwich | London | London |
University of Hertfordshire | London | London |
University of Huddersfield | Huddersfield | Yorkshire and Humber |
University of Kent | Canterbury | North West of England |
University of Leeds | Leeds | Yorkshire and Humber |
University of Leicester | Leicester | East Midlands |
University of Lincoln | Lincoln | Yorkshire and Humber |
University of Liverpool | Liverpool | North West of England |
University of Manchester | Manchester | North West of England |
University of Newcastle | Newcastle | North East of England |
University of Northampton | Northampton | East Midlands |
University of Nottingham | Nottingham | East Midlands |
University of Oxford | Oxford | South East of England |
University of Portsmouth | Portsmouth | South East of England |
University of Reading | Reading | South East of England |
University of Southampton | Southampton | South East of England |
University of St. Andrews | St.Andrews | Scotland |
University of Stirling | Stirling | Scotland |
University of Strathclyde | Glasgow | Scotland |
University of Sunderland | Sunderland | North East of England |
University of Surrey | Guildford | South East of England |
University of Sussex | Sussex | South East of England |
University of the West of Scotland | Dumfries | Scotland |
University of Wales | Aberystwyth | Wales |
University of Wales Aberystwyth | Wales | Wales |
University of Wales Lampeter | Lampeter | Wales |
University of Wales Newport | Wales Newport | Wales |
University of Warwick | Coventry | West Midlands |
University of West London | London | London |
University of Westminster | London | London |
University of Worcester | Worcestershire | West Midlands |
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